blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Okay okay okay

I'll post. Even *I* was begining to feel bad that Joey was doing all the work (for once ;) )

I'm not feeling wordy (for once ;)) so i'm choosing to do my post as follows:

1. Married life = kick ass! I never planned on it til I was 60, but i'd recommend it for all

2. Joey, bless his heart, needs to quit laughing everytime the radio says "it's hot out today!" - we get it, it's not as hot as Texas - but it's fuckin' warm

3. Cooking a meal using 3 burners and the oven in 30 degree weather (that's 90 for you Americans) in a small apartment with no AC is in no way awesome.

4. Sweating as you eat also sucks.

5. Apartments without AC should be outlawed.

6. Joey's car is a big hit in Canada - or it should be, considering people stare at us everywhere we go still

7. Did I mention no AC blows goats? It does.

8. The drive between the 'vag and the 'van can kiss my ass. One more go in the near future and I'm done with it.

9. Having a wedding is the best thing ever. I just wish I coulda visited more with everyone that came so far :(

10. Calgary sucks. It's roads suck. Me suffering from apparent altitude sickness sucks. Taking an hour and half to do something that should take 5 minutes sucks. Having friends, family and stampede there, however, rocks.

That about catches everything from my end up to date. Oh - except - did I mention no AC is the work of the devil?




Blogger A-List said...

I agree...Calgary sucks--only because i'm from Edmonton lol...and YES it's been a really HOT summer--just happy we don't live in eastern Canada...the humidity makes it seem like it's 15 degrees more!!

10:56 p.m.


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