blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Have you ever noticed?

We make a lot of our post titles cliffhangers. As in - I was going to call this post "Have you ever noticed..." because the "..." seems almost standard for us. I decided to switch it up.

Exciting, non?

In other news I offially have my apartment in the Vag again. It's a cute 2 bedroom deal in the Rosemont area. Will be a new experience for me as I've never lived anywhere other than the east of the city. But it is quick and easy to get this one, and I don't have to live in it for 9283479384 years on a lease, so it's perfect. It's an older building and the bathroom needs to be painted, but it's cute and I'm so excited I may wet myself yet about it. Excited for so many reasons, but super excited because it'll be so awesome to again live in a place with no responsibilty. IE - no lawns, no snow shovelling, no me in charge of getting broken things fixed. So amazing. It's gonna be a slight - okay, major - downsize in size, but i'm even excited about that. Right now I'm just all about the smallness and simplness of the situation.

So - that being said when am I moving in? Oh who knows! My bed should be in Regina by the end of the week (King size, bitches - memory foam - best bed EVER!!) and I have to be up there Wednesday because cable guy is coming. I've been trying to get up there since yesterday but it's damn cold, and I don't wanna be outside. Plain and simple.

MacMillMann or Loafy if you happen to read this - I have a new phone number and I'm excited to see you guys again on a regular basis! I hear rumblings of a job in Loafy land.... does that mean *I* have to get a job soon?? :(

In other non-moving-to-Regina news - I bought my ticket to head to Tex-ass to spend the holidays with my boy and his family. I leave on the 20th until the 9th - woohoo!! I can't wait to see him. I also can't wait to introduce his family to Christmas with perogies. Can you even imagine a Christmas without?!? I surely can't! I think I am also gonna make a Christmas Turtle Cheesecake - only made 29349738 of them last year - haven't made any yet this year. So yummy!! Just bringing a little bit of me into their Christmas, ya know?

January brings wedding dress shopping - and here's hoping I lose 500 of the 1000 extra pounds I've regained in the last year. Not bitching about it, just being honest! Can we check the books? Has anyone EVER lost weight over Christmas?!? Especially in the culinary delight that IS Tex-ass. Good lord there's so many yummy yummy foods there!

Other than that I've got nothing left to tell. I'm back in Estevan and sure do miss that brand new Calgary baby. It was good to see the other kids in Regina though. Bubs felt HUGE in comparison to Miu Miu.

SO y'all take care out there -

Until later



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