blah blah blah what were you expecting?


so is this thing on?

Yes I know it's been a while since I've posted. That's nothing new, but I think this is a new record... Apparently since the last time I posted they've added new things... like partnering with gmail.

but anyway, as Sanford has posted it's been a year of wedded bliss for us here at Whackjobs and Wingnuts.

Things that have happened in the first year...

1. Dallas/Arlington pro teams disappointed the city.

2. I drove in a blizzard (and didnt even notice much difference)

3. Went to my first CFL game and first WHL game.

4. Didn't have a single day above 100 degrees (although it did get close to that back in 'van)

5. bought a house

and since i'm already tired of making this list i'll stop at 5


Blogger PhunkMaster said...

I am happy for you and your year of wedded bliss. Speaking of which Sanford needs a new shot glass. Lets just say there was speaker wire and gravity involved. And if you don't teribly hate me could you spare another for me?

4:06 a.m.


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