blah blah blah what were you expecting?


"I didn't get no allowance today so now i'm really ticked off"

so i dont post as often as some other do... does that really matter?? ;)

nothing really happens that's exicting in my neck of the woods...
it's either wake up, go to class three days a week, come home and talk to some of mah favourite peeps.
wake up , have lunch/supper with pops, go to work three days a week, come home and talk to some of mah favourite peeps. can i really post something as interests as drink recipes or even better yet, how can i top a story where you can say vagina and no one blinks an eyelash??

when my radio show starts on sunday, i'll give you more details...i wont link it just yet because i might not have access to the studio on weekends yet...but just stay tuned for more details :P

and i will leave you with a few quotes from tv shows and movies. leave a comment and guess where they are from...
1. see title of this post.
2. "nobody owns the water, it's god's water"
3. "in 11 years it'll be 1984, think about THAT"
4. "i'm going to answer a question with a question, SHUT UP"


Blogger janie canuck said...

I know the last to ;) but i'll let others have a guess :)

5:48 p.m.

Blogger janie canuck said...

oh yeah - and sorry that I write more then you and point it out ;)

5:49 p.m.

Blogger janie canuck said...

my first comment was supposed to read "I know at least two" but - i know at least 3 ;) :)

11:25 p.m.


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