blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Stop the Insanity....

I love hockey. I may not be as over the top die-hard as a buncha people. I may not know old stats from back in the day - or even yesterday. I probably don't even know as many names as I should - or once did for that matter. Fact is though I'm a Small Town Saskatchewan Girl. S.T.S.G if you prefer. Hockey is in my blood. For the first 19 years of my life - if I didn't talk hockey - I didn't talk to my Dad or brother. My point is - I LOVE ME SOME HOCKEY!

That being said - I'd given up hope long before Wednesday of the season being saved. And the Friday Night Shit Show - I barely paid attention to it other then mention of my secret boyfriend Wayne Gretzky (It's okay - my baby knows the situation... ) Fact of the matter is - the season was dead long ago - there's still plenty of hockey around me if'n i choose to find it (Good hockey? Well, not this year seeing as the Pats suck so bad...)

So - if even NOW you're all confused - I'll add to the random links to articles being posted regarding the meeting on Saturday.

Do I love me some hockey? Yes. Do I have me some opinions? Yes. Am I sad there's no NHL this year? Yes. But long ago I stopped concerning myself with something that I had no ability to change - or even have the slightest affect on. (effect? Fuck me if I know...) Thank God I'm Canadian - at least it's still at every corner in my world!

In honour of hockey...

Gord says - if there was a goal that everyone remembers it was back in ol' '72, we all squeezed the stick and we all pulled the trigger... and all I remember is sitting beside you, you said you didn't give a fuck about hockey - and I never saw someone say that before... you held my hand and we walked home the long way - you were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr.

Oh yeah - now continue to the post below and do what Joey tells you to do!!
(bossy lil' thing ain't she?) (and by she - I mean - me :) )


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