Okay so obviously it's been driving me nuts not rambling when I want - so I figured - Joey posted - and hopefully learned a lesson to post more often - so I'm goin'!
I've gotta do something to keep me occupied here! I'm back in E-Van paradise for a few more days (till my boy gets here!) and while him and Giggles and whoever else are out seeing the new Star Wars movie on the first showing, I'm hanging out here picking my ass. For the record, it'll prolly be like 4 weeks before the 'van gets that movie. Just so you all know - maybe even 6. (Maybe they've got better in the years I've been gone - who knows?)
So tonight Dupe and I went for an awesome walk around her area of the metropolis. Walking in the 'van rules because you don't have to worry about getting raped and killed. Serious plus. So we walked around the neighborhood for a bit and got back to her house where I proceeded to watch her dig around for something to have for supper. After watching her hit dead end after dead end, I offered to make her a fritatta with whatever she had in the fridge - which turned out to be a beautiful lookin' red and yellow pepper with celery and carrots and chicken creation. She said it was good - I figgered it'd have to be - it's a fritatta for crying out loud. YUM!
Okay - enough pleasentries. I've gotta bitch now. I know - I hid it well by having fun happy things to say about walking and fritattas n' shite.
Here it is people:
If you have to start a sentance with the phrase "I don't mean to be rude, but..."
Because you know what? 99% of the time "I don't mean to be rude, but..." isn't going to smooth over the fact that you are, indeed being rude. If you're starting a sentance with those words - you are more then aware of the fact that you ARE being rude, so perhaps instead of being said rude person, you should just keep your big fucking mouth shut.
Close relations to "I don't mean to be rude, but..." include:
"I don't mean to tell you what to do..."
"I'm not trying to be ignorant..."
"Not to sound like an asshole..."
And so on and so forth. Seriously.... don't bother.
I think because of my general displeasure in my current (lack of a) living situation, I find myself growing more and more irritable and bitchty as the days go by. Soon you'll all be asking "what happened to Janey the pushover that's been around the last few years?" Those of you that were there to remember the intenser, more freak-out Janey of days gone by may be in for a walk down memory lane if people don't stop pissing me off soon! One of these days I may actually tell people to start sticking proverbial things up their proverbial asses.
On the other hand - my boy gets here in less then a week - and perhaps I won't be such a raging bitch then, as I do seem to think his leaving the last time directly influenced my level of bitchiness that I've had the last few weeks.
I guess we'll find out
Also - completely not related - but I'm loving this blog: Eklund's Hockey Rumors so take a peek if you don't want me to kick your ass. Erm - I mean if you are into hockey and stuff and wanna see it. (For the record - I only spelled "Rumors" incorrectly because that's the way they have it spelled! To clarify - *I* - Janey Canuck - know that the correct spelling is "RumoUrs".... :D)
actually, if you take the sentence literally, "i don't mean to be rude, but..." you're actually already apologizing in advance because you're aware that what you're about to say is going to in fact, be rude.
1:40 p.m.
doesn't matter - my point is - if you're gonna say something, and it's rude enough to warrent "I don't mean to be rude, but..." - then maybe it shouldn't be said ;)
10:51 p.m.
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