blah blah blah what were you expecting?



Okay - I never actually hated the show. But holy rollercoaster!!

I'm not going to have some long and drawn out analysis about the show - because really - who gives a rats ass about what *I* think about it - ya know?

But I will say a couple things -

First of all - Uchenna and Joyce? How much did they end up rocking the Amazing Race world? Of the 3 teams going into the final - they by far were the one's that most deserved to win. The played nice through the entire thing - and for once the good guys finished last. They never cheated, they never belittled other teams, they never did anything questionable. Even at the end when they could have said to the cab driver "We may win a million bucks by walking through that gate - as soon as it's done - one way or another we're coming out with your money" or even better - invited the cabbie to go with them to prove their point. They didn't - they found a way to pay him - and it was the right thing to do - it's what was meant to happen in that show.

About Romber all I have to say is karma truely is a bitch and what goes around comes around. They played dirty and underhanded through the entire race. They used their already undeserved fame throughout the entire race. Had they won there was a bazillion people around the world that would deserve a cut of it. Thankfully that's not the case - they didn't finish first, they didn't win the race, they didn't get the million - but what they did get - was exactly what they deserved. I think that between 2 stints on Survivor and the way they played this game - they're in for a long life of payback being a bitch. Oh well.

POW and Princes - shut. The. Fuck. Up. Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch - ne're have to hear that again - WOO!

I wanted the brothers, the gay guys and Uchenna and Joyce in the finals (although Ryan and Chuck rocked - they weren't around long enough for me to be pulling for 'em!) - but I'm much more satisfied this way. With those 3 teams - it woulda been "I'm happy with whoever wins" - this way - I'm EXTREMELY SATIFIED with the way things ended!

Thanks for another GREAT season, Phil!



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