blah blah blah what were you expecting?


oh... my. ... GOD

Just in time for a new career direction.... HELLO Kitchen Accomplished!!

No worries - Amazing Race is NO WHERE near getting bumped from my most awesomest show ever.... but it is SO last career ....

Also - I am having the most thrilling Friday ever. Seriously. Stuck in the 'Van... hard to believe that only a few short years ago, I'd have been at the Beef for hours by now... aaaaah those were the days. You know... double fisting the double paralyzers, shots of whatever is thrown your way, dancing like a maniac (and I don't dance - so that's assuming proper drunken level has been achieved...)Surkey Sub's at Subway (Thumb? Why would I want a THUMB??!!) after bar parties at random stranger's houses, early morning stop at Huskey for a 2-2-2 - maybe a lil' pukey wukey thrown in for good measure. Catch a few (12) hours of sleep - get up - do it all again.

But now? None of that for me! I'm much more content reading my new copy of "Real Simple" while day dreaming about things I might like to buy when I have more then $22.00 to my name! Also thinking of ways to scam money out of those who birthed me...

You know - same ol' same ol'!

(Content? Did I say I'm much more content? That's not at all what I am but I currently lack the brain power to come up with a whole different word to describe what I am!!)

(And that doesn't mean I'm going through Beef withdrawls either - it just means that while I don't need to go to the bar - I'd rather be doing something else right now then what I'm doing. Anyone know the word for that??)

That is all.


Blogger joey texan said...

its called boredom...unhappy, lots of words to describe your situation...

what's a 2-2-2....what's a Surkey sub?.....and are there really strangers in estevan? what your last career was an amazing racer?? if i didnt know better, sounded like you were drunk while posting :P

5:08 a.m.


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