Words a girl from Saskatchewan NEVER wants to hear...
"Just so you know, we probably WILL get mugged, so don't freak out."
Now - picture those words being said at midnight. On a busy highway/interstate/freeway - whatever the fuck they call them here. In a car. That has just died. With no tow-truck in site for an hour.
I'm surprised that no one noticed the strange odor coming from my side of the car after I shit myself. Not literally. Well - not that I'll admit anyway.....
Here's the scoop my friends -
My boy came home from work last night. We'd planned a fantastic evening of eating cow with mushrooms, onions and garlic and some cheesey caulies to boot. While watching the evenings taped edition of Survivor. Out of no-where comes a too-good-to-pass-up invite from my boy's buddy giggles to meet him and some peeps in Arlington. Well - okay that works.... someone get's ready and does their makeup. (It was Joey - he likes to look pretty!) (also: FYI - doing my hair is uber easy now that I have the worst haircut EVER.... even if I continually look like a boy) We get in the car and it starts.... however I *do* remember commenting "It's dead" ..... but then laughed it off as I realized - that no - it wasn't dead - I just forgot to turn my ears on :D
We take off to make the 30 minute-ish drive to where we're going... singing our lil' hearts out... somehow - somewhere - we missed a turn for an exit - but I won't get into that because I'm still confused as to how this place has the audacity to claim that one big city is actually a bazillion little cities... (don't get me started ....). Anyway - We's driving, we's driving, we's driving...... car starts to go dead... so Joey pulls over to the side of the road... shuts the car off ....... restarts it - SUPER! It works! Let's get goin'!! So.... We's driving, we's driving, we's driving...... (10-20 minutes pass...) car starts to go dead.... so Joey pulls over to the side of the road... shuts the car off... tries to restart it... tries to restart it... tries to restart it... car doesn't wanna go. So we sit and sit and once in awhile he tries some more, then we sit and we sit and he phones AAA. 40 minutes they say. 40 mintues to get a truck out. Then the tow truck calls. 60 minutes they say. 60 minutes to get the truck there. We were surpsied though because it WAS only 30 minutes from that call when it showed up.
So somewhere in that time is when this poor little defenseless girl from Saskatchewan hears the line "Just so you know, we probably WILL get mugged, so don't freak out."
Needless to say - it didn't happen!! YAY! Tow truck came - we all piled into the "Jesus Saves" mobile (which was blaring "Drugs or Jesus" when we got in - just a strange coincidence though.... I thought I was about to have a Harold and Kumar experience....) and a couple hours after our excursion began - we arrived back at Joey's house. We're safe and sound - the car's home, we're home - with everything we left with. All's good in happy fun land.
Until today.... but - I'm not going to get into that because that's for Joey to talk about if/when he doesn't want to kill things at the mere thought of everything that's happened today.
I don't mean to jinx things - but that $205 million dollar lottery would be good right now........ hell - even enough to just fix this situation would be decent!
I told Joey 2 things after last night:
1. He'd best be thankful that we weren't robbed because that pretty much would mean that not only was I never moving down here - I'd probably question even VISITING again (okay the last part is just for dramatics - I didn't really say it!)
2. If he EVER says something like "Just so you know, we probably WILL get mugged, so don't freak out." to me again - he doesn't want to sit around and see what my response is the second time around
That is all!
ps - MacMillMann - that does mean that we didn't get a chance to go to Tar-Jay or Bath and Body Works today... sorry chicka....
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