blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Lipped off!

So as anyone we care about knows - we were off to see the Blue Rodeo concert on Wednesday. Save the lip - we love them cuz they rock and that's all that matters! And for the record - the concert friggin' ROCKED - so there :D

Not the story I'm trying to tell though.

So - before the concert we head out to grab some eats. Seeing as we're staying at the Holiday Inn on POWD we just decide to feast at Perkins... you know... the one next to Movados.... not that I know anything about that place.... :D The meal was decent - but uber slow. However during which time - Joey fills me in on the fact that the opening act is Matt Mays and el Torpedo , who just happens to be a Canadian band I stumbled upon about a year ago on my most fave. website ever Needless to say - I've quite enjoyed them over the past year - not to obsessive stalker state - but I've grooved along nonetheless.

So - here we are - eating the world's slowest meal ever as the minutes tick by .... finally we finish up - make the 10 minute drive (THANK GOD FOR SASKATCHEWAN!!) get to the Centre of the Arts - park farther away then we drove - brave the freeeeeeeeeezing cold - get our tickets (FRONT ROW CENTRE, remember??) get inside... I gotta pee. Okay - we split up - go to the toilets and meet back to head inside. We walk in in the middle of "City by the Lakes" so we hang out at the door until the song is done at which point we take the opportunity to sneak into our seats. All sneaky like. You know - FRONT ROW CENTRE...


The band is jabbering away to each other and then "oh - sorry - we're just talking about...... THESE PEOPLE" - said pointing at us as we're trying to sneak in. Then? "It's okay - we're only the opening band - there's only 2 songs left, it doesn't matter if you're late".

All I know is I felt like an absolute idiot. I think Joey did too.... but it could have been worse... I could have tripped walking in (wouldn't be a first, would it people??) and fallen on my ass.

Needless to say - the 2 Matt Mayes songs we caught ROCKED and my boy bought me the new cd... YAY! From what I've had a chance to hear off the new cd - I'd high recommend it to anyone out there... his last cd was so much more "folk-rock-ish" but this new one def. seems to be more "rock-folk-ish". I love me some Canadian music!

Jim and Greg and Basil and crazy piano man were AMAZING as well. Totally worth gettin' Joey up from Texas to see. Not only have I been waiting for years just to see them - but to see them with him? Amazing!! For as mellow as their music sounds on their cd - they know a thing or 2 about giving a live show that (as I already said) ROCKS!! And it kicks my ass in laughter whenever I think about it because I swear the entire band was laughing at a joke only they knew the entire night... little impish grins and laughing eyes all night - LOVED IT! It easily moved to the top of the "Best Concert Ever List" - yes, beating out even KISS and Willie Nelson (I was pretty young though!) and Smashing Pumpkins. (KISS was at number one because it's KISS and had it been seen from FRONT ROW CENTRE it would probably still be number one...) As I was saying - Best Concert EVER!!

Even when my Texan gets hit on by "Amanda" and company.

Seriously... I have a theory - seeing as we were FRONT ROW CENTRE "Amanda" and her lil' friends look up - see - hey 2 guys sitting FRONT ROW CENTRE (cuz let us not forget - I have the world's WORST haircut and could easily be mistaken for either a boy or a lesbian....) so I figger "Amanda" and the girls thought they could all get a piece or something becuase I look over and there's this girl practically sitting in my boy's lap. But it was me she chose to dance with! (don't ask...) and then the three of them ended the concert dancing smack dab in front of us for the rest of the night - but oh well. Didn't take away from the amazingness of the concert so whatever!

So now - 2 days later I'm hangin' out coming off of concert high - watchin' "Miderman" for the bazillionth time with Bubs.... tryin' to not be sad because my boy had to go back to Texas yesterday afternoon... but who'm I kidding. I am sad by that fact. Really sad.

That is all.


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