blah blah blah what were you expecting?



I admit it - I'm addicted. I can't get enough. If I don't get my late night fix, I *actually* feel like I'm missing out on something.

Infomercials. I love buying things off TV. Or in this modern day - online. Now - I've been obsessing about it all night because I found out today that my brother and his wife have went out on a limb and purchased the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. I'm green with envy.

I've wanted a juicer since my first foray into informercial land in junior high. I don't really *drink* juices anymore - but that doesn't mean that I won't someday. It doesn't mean I don't want the juicer anymore. Quite the opposite.

Most of my infomercial addictions ARE to kitchen products - what with my love for all things kitchen related. Don't get me wrong - I've bought hair products and of course I did ProActiv - I've done it all really. But kitchen appliances is where my heart lies.

I must clarify real quick I'm not limited to infomercials - it's just an easier general term. I also junk up on internet based advertised products and - as you'll see - trade-show products!

For years I have been ashamed of my informercial junkie ways. I've poked fun many a times at my mom who's addicted to the shopping channel. I think part of her believes that if it's anything worth having - it's on the shopping channels.

But me? Noooo.... my *mom* bought it for me.... I don't buy things from tv.... I don't believe those things....

For example - my first trip to Texas (teehee I mean PEI) Joey and I watched an informercial about the GT XPRESS 101.
He made fun of it - I made fun of it - it was awesome - we bonded over our common mockery of this little kitchen appliance.

The second time I went to Texas - we went on a shopping excursion to my fave. US based store EVER - Tar-Jay. Of course we had to take a peek through the kitchen appliances (because I'm a junkie for them in the stores too!) - and there, right before my very eyes - was the GT XPRESS 101!! And next to it? The MAGIC BULLET!! (Contrary to what sis-in-law thinks - it IS a kitchen appliance and it's NOT what it sounds like!)

I'll move on to the Magic Bullet in a minute. The GT XPRESS 101 though - for such a bargain? I couldn't resist - so even though I was there with Joey - the man I sat and mocked this very item with - at great lengths - only a couple of months earlier - I bought it. And it was the first thing I unpacked when I got home. AND I LOVE IT!

Now the Magic Bullet ... Oh little silver cylander of goodness - how I covet thee. You all know you've watched the infomercial. You can blend little "bullets" full of goodness in mere seconds! PLUS!! The Deluxe model has a blender attatchent. PLUS!! The blender attatchment has a JUICER ATTATCHMENT!! Oh. My. GOD!! How perfect is that?

Oh yes - I will have the Magic Bullet. Just like I knew I'd have a Foreman Grill (or 2 of them!), my ice cream machine, my kick ass waffle machine, my cheese grater, my Kitchen Aid stand mixer, my slow cookers, my sandwhich maker - all of them.

Plus - the Magic Bullet would save me from having to spend ungodly amounts of money on the VitaMix.

When I was in Australia - M&J bought their coveted VitaMix - for a mere $1300 AUD. EEK!! I mean - trust me - the thing is fucking cool. It's REALLY fucking cool. You can boil water in it in 8 minutes. You can make frozen desserts like ice cream n' stuff in it. You can make soup in it. But - it cost $1300!! Over here in NoAm - you can buy it for cheaper - super duper cheap if you get it refurbished. And down the road - who's to say - if the relationship with the Magic Bullet doesn't work out - I wouldn't be opposed to buying one - but not for $1300. It IS pretty friggin' cool though!

On the non-kitchen appliance front - I'm also intrigued by the infomercial for the book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. For lots of reasons:
a. books are fun
b. cure me baby cure me
c. I'm all about potential conspiracies
d. I'm a sucker

I'll admit it - I'm not really entirely sure of who exactly Kevin Trudeau is - but he knows stuff I don't know. Plus - even though he's not probably related - Prime Minister Trudeau was a crowd fave - the name carries a certain amount of pull.

Other than that - there's been a lot of junkie informercials as of late. The lil' silicon "breast enhancer" things that fit into your bra? JUNK - not that I - uh - know - uhm - personally.

I have it on good authority that the "Liquid Lense Eyeglass Scratch Treatment" is CRAP.

The "Batterpro" and that pasta pot with the lid for straining pasta - both piss me off.

So I'm not saying I'm jumping on the bandwagon of EVERY infomercial I see. But there's something strangely comforting about watching paid actors (bad actors, at that) try to sell a product they barely even know how to use.

Thanks, Science!


(I thought coming clean about my addiction would be some how freeing - but now I think I'm going to go hide under my covers!)


Blogger janie canuck said...

Amen sister-in-law amen... Or - SIL for short - cuz that's fun ;)
Why be ashamed any longer? Funk Dat I'M PROUD OF MY GTXPRESS 101!!!!!!!!
also Megs - thanks for not outting me about the truth with the silicon breast enhancers... hehehe

1:44 a.m.


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