blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Happy 50th Westview!!

Tonight Dupe and I took in the festivites as our old elementary school celebrated it's 50th anniversary.

Okay - I know that sounds lame for a Friday night - but I loved it.

I hadn't set foot inside that building since I finished grade 6 there back in 1980something - and even though it's been renovated and there's a new gym and things are moved around... walking in was such a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Sentimental? Can't spell, but I am it, and I'm okay with that. For those that know me - you'll be surprised to know I didn't cry!

It was good to see some of the teachers that were there when we were - two still working, two retired teachers that came back for the shindig. My grade six teacher/principal of the school - whom I so lovingly declared "MOST FAVE TEACHER EVER" at Loafy and MacMillMann's wedding last year. Numerous times. Drunk. MANY MANY TIMES. I was surprised she wanted to be seen in the same building tonight!

They had all the class pictures from the time they started keeping them until last year hanging on the wall to look at so Dupe and I took her mom's neighbor (who's in grade 2 and goes to school there) and we picked us out in every picture - she didn't even say we were ugly back then - score!

We toured around the classrooms - all of them - even though some are used for different grades now. The kindergarden room and grade 1 room still have the same tables that we used to sit at. The K kids still get a sandbox, and a woodworking station and their own bathroom. The library still has the same model of the scull with life like brain. The mini water-fountains and bathrooms. All the old books. I think some of the desks are even original.

I left there feeling proud and amazed - that for seven years of my life - that is the environment that shaped and moulded me so much on the path of who I am today.

Thanks for a great 7 years Westview - I'll see you in another 50.




Blogger [42]Sanford said...

I realized i'm getting old... I got an invitation a few weeks back for my 10-year high school reunion.

I've spent the last 10 years trying to find a reason to not go, but fortunately for me, it just so happens to fall on the same weekend as WhizkyGrl's birthday, so fate seems to have gotten me out of what would've been a very awkward situation. Because I'll be damned if I'm going to say "hey baby, let's go to small-town-redneck-infested-backwards-ass-Louisiana for your birthday to hang out with small-town-redneck-backwards-ass-people that I don't particularly like"

Plus, there's a Stars game in Dallas that night, and between my girl and my hockey, I"m a man with priorities dammit!

2:43 a.m.

Blogger janie canuck said...

I'm thankful that everyone *I* know in my grad class didn't want a reunion for 10 years - so we didn't have one.

The only people i've seen that wanted one were the ones that have something to show off - new life/job/love/look

i see the people i want to on a semi-regular basis - funk 'em

good to see your priorities are straight tho giggles -

now send my boy home :(

2:51 a.m.


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