blah blah blah what were you expecting?


What in the .... ??

Imagine my shock and amazement at logging on and finding not one but 2 comments on my previous insane rant.

Thinking - ah HA - I've struck a chord!

Nah - advertisements

What the fuck is that?

Do people have nothing better to do than put goddamn ads on blog entries??

Although - the strangly appropriate Canadian Immigration one is appreciated..... but don't tell them that!

God I'm sick of sitting around doing nothing.

For Giggles - Ukranian dates have been replaced by English. Happy?! :D



Blogger [42]Sanford said...

you need to turn on the "word verification" feature in your comments section.

that's what i did, and it helped get rid of the spam.

2:52 p.m.

Blogger janie canuck said...

Thanks Giggles :D

12:30 p.m.


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