blah blah blah what were you expecting?


My how time flies....

Ok, so I'm taking two nights classes along with some during normal schooling hours...

the problem i have with the night classes...when we take exams, that's all that we're doing in the class that night. which means that I get to drive 45 minutes in traffic to get to class by 6pm...get in class wait for the test to be headed out, then take the test. so far doesnt sound so bad... here's the bitch of it all...i begin taking the test, i finish the test and turn it in, walk out of the class and look at my watch and see that it's i get in the car after a 10 minute walk to the parking lot...and drive 30 minutes home (save 15 minutes since there is no traffic..)
so total driving time.. 1 hour 15 minutes
total class time... 30 minutes...
dont get me wrong, i love short classes...but when it takes twice as long to drive there and back... i get a lil T-O'ed..gooooooossh


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