blah blah blah what were you expecting?



It's always been my belief that the people we're lucky enough to have in our lives are here for a reason. (Duh) Okay - better put - I've always stated that those that are my friend, bring something to my life that I do not posses on my own. (Duh again, I know.)

Sometimes, I get in real "thinky" moods about the people that have come in and out of my life. Some for brief periods, some have been here for longer than I remember (Hi Dupe!).

I always say that just because I don't talk to someone all the time - doesn't mean they're not an important part of my life - it doesn't mean that they've stopped bringing that part to my life that they initially offered. And I hope that's true. I know I've had a lot of people in and out in many ways in my life. Some that I thought would be here forever - well I figure we've fulfilled our purposes in each others lives. Yet more often then not - I reach back and pull a feeling, a thought or a smile in reference to the people that I've not remained involved with.

It makes me sad sometimes - when I think of the people I've let go in my life. Mostly because I suck ASS at keeping in touch - not because I don't want to, but because I generally have nothing to say. It's true that those we talk to most often - are those that we have the most to say to.

It can be really sad though - when you think back to certain times in your life when you seemed to revolve around some kind of relationship with a person or group of people. At that exact moment in time, there were no other people in the world that "got you" as much as they did. Did I realize then how important they were? Sure... but I never pictured life without some of them.

It doesn't help that pet peeve #1 is small talk - and with those we've not been around for awhile - that's what it's broken down to sometimes.

I wish there was a way I could thank everyone that's been and gone in my life - because whether they realize it or not, I did take something from our chance meetings. Imagine how many people there are in the world - and I've been lucky enough to call so many unique and interesting people my friends.

On the other hand - maybe I'm just a gigantic bitch who uses all of these things to make herself feel better at lack of contact with people who once ment so much.

Naaaah... bitch - okay I'll give ya that one .... but I ain't ownin' up to the rest.

I'm off to listen to Kitchen Gymnastics now... it's oh so enjoyable right above my bedroom - thanks mom.



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