blah blah blah what were you expecting?



That about says it all.

My boy left today, so I'm sad.

Granted, there was lots of happiness in the past few days.

On Sunday, him and I got another round of golf in. I sucked, he rocked - you know. I got my second birdie *ever* (first one was on Saturday!) so as Joey put it - that'll be enough to get me back. I'll admit it - I think I'm becoming a golf addict!

After golfing on Sunday, I suggested we go out for a quick bite to eat at The Tower, which turned into bar food and drinks at the adjoining Tap House.

The quick bite to eat and a drink after golf turned into Cheese Sticks, Potato Skins, and a Canadian Pizza (Pepperoni, Mushroom and *****crispy***** bacon) and about 983742923843 drinks each.

We arrived just after 7, and at 12:30-ish, after numerous paralyzers, caesars, rye and diets and bellinis, we stumbled out the door. From there, we decided to walk home, which was REALLY a nice walk, and I'm sure the citezens of Estevan much appreciated the singing we were doing in the streets for half the walk. As anyone who knows me knows - I'm such a fantastic singer - even more so when I'm drunk!! Ah well, we hid well outside of the streetlights, I'm sure no one knew it was me!

We came back up to the Vag on Monday, and gorged ourselves on Moxies, Extreme Pita, Chinese and Polar Palace - it was heaven and good, even if it was pretty much nothing anyone should eat often, let alone all in a couple of days. Funk it - as I said it was heaven and good!

So now my boy has left (after an extended stay, that he says he wants to post about so I'll zip my lips!) and I'm left in Regina with nothing but lil' Bubs to cheer me up. (And your call earlier today, Dupe!) Right now, Bubs is singing "bunbab beebants" (Sponge Bob Square Pants) and building a new track with his wooden awesome train track thingy. He's just succesfully added the lime green bridge and high 5'ed me for it. Awwwwwww! If it weren't for Bubs I'd be a weeping mess!

I also heard from Loafy today regarding the ongoing house nightmare and was - weirdly enough - not shocked to hear there's more hold ups right now. I'm going to get the money for the house and be broke again right after because of paying off my debts to everyone! Oi oi oi. Loafy - for future reference - starting a sentance with "well, the good news is we're still buying the house" - is seriously an un-needed before noon heartattack!!

On that note though - I'd better at least attempt to be a useful member of society. J.B.K is on her way home from school because she only has a half day today so her and I and Bubs are gonna go find some lunch (Bubs wants chichin) and then I have to make sure all kids in my general area are ready for a funeral today... hopefully after that point I can run one errand for my dad (who had an unfortuneate meeting between a washing machine and his passport) and then with luck - head back to my cave in the basement at mom and dad's house.

I'm so ready to get on with my life.



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