blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Remember me?

Probably not.

Not a lot going on the last month - that's why neither of us has much to say. I, for one, am waiting for this goddamn school bullshit to be done so I can just be smart. And get on with life.

I know - to a lot of people - doing nothing as long as I have sounds perfect. I assure you, it's not fun, and most of all - I'm anything but proud of the way the last year or 2 of my life has went. It'd be a total write off if a certain boy named Joey hadn't come into my life.

It's really disappointing when you fuck up everything you worked on.

Other than that - I'm just a huge raging bitch lately - I don't know why - I either want to scream and yell, or cry - those are my 2 options of how i want to spend my time. So I apologize if you are someone tho gets the screaming and yelling part. Rest assured, after, i'll cry. Poor Joey - he's got the scream and yell side of things too often lately. That makes me sad. Damnit - now I cry. SEE?????

It really isn't easy being me - just so you know.

In happy news - Joey's coming to Canadia on the 1st for a week. It'll be good times. Considering I was supposed to start school on 22Sep - it would have been perfect timing for him to come see me as I was getting packed up and ready to go.

As it turns out - he's coming to see me just in hope we both make it though the next 29384792384 months until we find out what the fuck is going on.

I'm just tired of everything being in someone elses hands.

(Aren't you guys glad I came out of hiding to post?!?!)

Off to cry - then maybe find someone to snap on! Woohoo!
