Sorry. What can I say.
So the other day - I was sitting in my car after a truely horrible day that involved Joey flying back to Tex-ass thinking "Goddamnit - maybe I should start using one of those diary's Dupe has given me every year for my birthday since i was 2." You know - as an outlet to my ever increasing state of total and utter evilness.
Then I thought - "Better Idea - I can bitch on the blog! EVERYONE loves reading about me bitching!!"
Okay so I know you don't. But ya know what - this is MY blog so I can BITCH IF I WANT! (Oh yeah - and Joey's - but really - what's the last thing you've seen him say?!)
So I've made a huge and giant addition to my pet-peeve list. And that's what's got me wanting to kill things this week.
Here it is - and yes - this is one entry on the p.p. list - not multiple -
Ignorant, ungreatful, stuckup, wannabe, assholish, childish, pathetic, and sad people who are busy trying to be something that they're not, all the while alienating anyone and everyone who liked them much better when they at least half grasped the concept that who they *are* isn't bad, and can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize that they have no one to blame but themselves for all of their bitterness and resentment and that they would be smart to find something to make them happier soon because a committment to the next 50 years of their lives has been made and oh well it sucks to be you too bad so sad at this rate people like this deserve everything that they have coming to them - it's just sad that others in the situaton will have to suffer for their absolute stupidity.
I'm so lucky to have people like this in my life! And if you *think* it might be you I'm talking about - rest assured - it probably is. And to be perfectly honest - nothing's been missing out of my life since y'all decided to take a ride on the bitter train, so quite frankly unless you're willing to act your age instead of acting like a bunch of 2 year olds....
Fuck off and die.
I don't want anything' to do with yas unless you all come bearing apologizes for everyone you've hurt and shit on in the last year. That might be the way things are done in your world, but you're part of ours now, and it's not the way we work.
Coward for bearing my soul on the blog that I know specifically who does and does not read? Maybe so, but unlike *some* people, I don't need to have the last word, I know how to keep my mouth shut, I don't go around spouting lies and I'm okay with saying my piece and then leaving it. At least this way it's in writing and can't be twisted to whatever the fuck you want it to say.