blah blah blah what were you expecting?


A little taste of what I've been up to...

My boy set it up so I can show you all a lil' piece of what MY life has been like since I've been gone. I don't mean to keep obsessing about the large amounts of alcohol I've consumed since I arrived in Australia - but seriously - it's been the one constant in my life! Actually - now that I think about it - I'm on my second day in a row dry.... coincidentally the second day in a row both J & M are back at work.... I think I've put my finger on the cause of my impending liver failure!
So here's me and a picture of all of the marvelous wedding booze - I sure hope you enjoy!!
Although it would APPEAR that I am intoxicated in this picture because my eyes are firmly shut - not unlike a Janie drunk pose - you'll notice the lack of a spill on the front of my shirt - thus insuring my sobriety! This is also the night I fell down the stairs - ALSO mostly sober at the time. That is all!

Image hosted by


Rule Breaker...

Yup. That's me. Had to get rid of the "Twat" post because of a few reasons - even though I had specific instructions not to. Oh well eh? Janie gets drunk and likes to cut and paste "twat" a few hundred times....... it's all good fun. The worst part? I FUCKING HATE THAT WORD! Out of all words I could have used - I chose that one. Fuggin' drunk bitch! I can't wait to get back to North America so that I can start mending my relationship with my liver. I believe I'm at a whopping one day count of how many days I've *not* drank since I've been here. I'm as proud as you all are!


he he

I'm just going to clarify one thing... I am not he. thank you....

and incase you missed janie's other post because the last one was .. well .. long.. here you when i get back from work, i'll post some pics from painting my room this weekend.

have a fantastic tuesday/wednesday

**** EDIT ****
this post makes little sense now that someone deleted their previous post.. .oh well for those that missed it... which is most everyone....oh well, she explains it a lil in her latest post. that's the one above this one....


bailey's..... white wine..... red wine..... paralyzers..... bailey's..... paralyzers..... bailey's.... quiet typing. Not Nes. in that order :D


Bland, uncreative, unoriginal

well i'll start off by defending my posting (or lack thereof) this weekend was spent painting my room... so the computer was under a tarp and not easily accessible... as for the rest of the week and prior... Janie is on holiday ;) so other than drinking, visiting beautiful parts of a country that i've never been and eating foods i've never had...(read as: PIES!!!!!) what else is there to do?? so there :P I think you should have been posting more often....

now to the boring part of the post...absolutely nothing has been going on... other than the painting.... no armadillo armadillo ghost sleep, just work and school...oh that and the fact that there is blood in my right ear... dunno what happened... but it's there


.... ?? ..... !! ......

Here's what I don't get - how is it I'm thousands of miles around the world and I'm still posting as much (if not more!) then my sig. o?? :P JOEY!!!??

Okay sorry - now I rant. Well - ramble maybe is better term. I just have to write really quick about how amazing my friends are and how much everyone means to me. I know. Sappy. But I do this because I don't ever want anyone I care about to doubt it. In this instance - it's friends. My friends are people I can count on in any situation. Dupe - you wrote it best about JH - "When you're down she lifts you up and when you're up she takes you higher" - but I find that to be true about all of my friends. What makes them amazing? I know through shit or good things they've got my back. I know when I fuck up - they'll call me on it and laugh at it with me, but only rub my nose in it when needed. I know when I'm a bitch, they'll get over it - as I do with them. I know when I just need someone to fill the silence besides myself, they'll do it. I know when I need a place to crash - they're there - and vice versa. I know we can have just as much fun jackassing around doing nothing as we do bellying up to the bar for a night. Do they say stuff that hurts sometimes? or that I don't like? or that makes me angry? HELL YEAH! But I do the same thing too - and ya know what? that's what friends do. And I only mention this because I've witnessed in the last little while how shitty "friends" can turn out to be for other people - and I think it's a really cunty situation for "friends" to put "friends" in. Either be a friend, or don't - but be warned that a. karma's a bitch, b. what goes around comes around and c. a friend to all is a friend to none.

That is all.


Aaaaah sweet holiday life....

Hey hey hey from the otherside of the world! I've got a minute so I thought I'd pop on and leave a message here.... go me!
I'm having a really good time here in Australia. DEF. missing a lot of North American based things, and my liver is about to give notice that it's vacating the body - but those things aside it's been good.
I got to see on of my oldest friends ever tie the proverbial knot a week and a half ago, in what is, hand's down - the most beautiful place I've ever been! I'm not going to say where, beacuse I've vowed to not let it become an over-touristed out place as it would take away so much of what it is - but believe me when I say - AMAZING!! I would love to link on some pictures, however, airhead that I am - I lost the battery charger for my digital camera right before leaving so I've got to wait until I get the bazillion rolls of film developed. Also - for those of you so inclined, I've got it all on video as well! (my skills really do speak for themselves - please note the mild sarcasm there!)
So now - we're in Ballarat where J&M live. This is my first visit here since they bought their house a year or 2 ago - and it's an amazing house. However, I will never understand the no basement thing. (Which - is how they do things in Texas as well.... funked up....) But i give them credit because the whole toilet in a seperate room from the bathroom iskinda cool - and they know a thing or 2 about flushing toilets here too. Half flush vs full flush - one for wee and one for poo. It's amazing!
We took her mom and aunt ont eh Great Ocean Road the other day.... absolutely amazing, yet again. I'm in awe of the beauty of the world sometimes - even though it sounds so cheesey! And last night we spent a night camping in the Grampians - which are the mountains around here. Again - absolutely beautiful - MacKenzie Falls? SEE IT!!
Other then that I've only had 2 mild brushes with deadly or hurtful animals since I've been here. And considering how many of them there are in this country - that's not bad at all. The first one a few nights ago was a white back spider - or something close to that name! It was just hangnin' out in J&M's house - conflicting reports as to whether or not it's deadly, or just gonna kick your ass. Then, last night when we were camping, I took my drunk ass to the swag to call it a night, only to have J&M and the Israelie (bite me I can't spell) couple from the campsite next to us discover that I apparently had a scorpion by my head. They made a big deal of it last night to the extent of getting rid of it - but wouldn't tell me until today what was actually there. I assured them I wouldn't be camping again in death-land aka Australia! That being said - I think we're gonna try to go to a different camping area later on in the trip.
In other news - 15 more sleeps til I'm back in God's country - aka Saskatchewan. I'll be sad to see Australia gone - but I have to admit I'm very excited to get on the path for what my new life has for me! Also - I get to see my boy 4 days after i get home ....WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! For lots of days too so neener neener neener! Plus - I'll get to show K in Estevan the wedding video, at which point i'm sure we'll laugh and cry and laugh and cry - it'll be beautiful!
And on that note - I'm going to sign off as I don't feel like typing anymore :D I feel kind of bad - I'venot sent a big email out to everyone telling them of the trip, but I'm writing on here about it. However, in my defense for those that may be reading - it's because I want J to email everyone about her wedding before I put MY twist on it so I'm holding out for her to get off her butt and do it first! SO THERE! LAY OFF ME!!!!!!!!!
take care all and be nice to each other!
have a good one!

oh yeah ps - pie's kick ASS :D :D :D :D :D (Yes, that is a 5 big smile out of 5 big smile rating!!)



Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...

we're all glad you're back janie... and of course now that you're back is when something exciting happens so i can post lots... so not to piss on your welcome back to the real world party.....

but i was supposed to be off work yesterday....and i wasnt...ended up working 12 hours...and of course when you are working when you werent supposed to be there is when the shite hits the fan right? well all i'll say is that it could have been worse... and for those that dont know i'm a rent-a-cop until i finish school...the pay is decent, and i havent gotten put on any dangerous posts as of yet....until tonight... so i'm sitting there doing what all security guards do in the middle of the a book. i swear i've read more books this year on boring posts, than i have my entire life from grades 3 thru 12....

so anyway... i'm sitting there, when all the sudden i hear this crazy noise...i go outside and see there is an armadillo trying to claw it's way into the building...this isnt the strange part, since i've seen this armadillo before...i named him pedro... but alas pedro is dead now....

you see, while he was clawing at the door, out came this coyote from the adjacent field...and before pedro could curl up in a ball, the coyote (we'll call him Wil. E. ) tyook one swipe and knowed pedro out... and took him off into the field to enjoy a midnight snack... that is all... you can return to you mindless browsing.


I've returned to civilization - yay :) NOT that the last week wasn't AMAZING because it was - but i'm a creature of habit and someone dared not let me have a phone or a computer for a week! So this is just a quickie to say I'm around - Joey - you may resume your postings now!


Oh - and the girly girl rumours are true - every nail on my body is a fake one... and it's a bitch for typing!

Loves yas - be good!


Why did the chicken cross the road?

well, i'm finally not sick, just in time for spring break and working 50 hours this week...overtime is nice for the paycheques. any ideas what to spend it on??

so i know i'm breaking the rule for this blog, but not feeling creative which is why my posts have been short. that, and the fact that i really have nothing to say, i just gotta keep updating so the readers will have something to read when the click here.

hope the wedding that janie was at was fun, but i think it's time for her to get off the lil island and get back to civilization so she can email her peeps and let us all know how it went...too bad we wont get any pics from digi...but maybe she'll have access to a scanner, who knows...

and as brandon says "You have only been gone ten days, but already I am wasting away I know I'll see you again whether far or soon."


being sick sucks

So i've had a cold for the past couple of days, and i've come to one conclusion...that buckley's tastes worse when you actually need to take it. because from my first try of buckley's when i was the great white north i wasnt sick...and sure it tasted like ass, but it wasnt nearly as bad as it has been the past couple of days... on the bright side the shite works great.


Ho hum...

I know my posts aren't as entertaining as janie's but you people will have to do deal... my only thought today i the only person in the world that didnt know you could get fake toenails?? i knew about fake fingernails...but toenails?!?!

I don't make these things up...Janie is turning into a girly girl... while in Oz, she has gotten fake fingernails and fake toenails...what's next?

off to class i go, stay tuned for more useless ramblings


It's been awhile...

for a lot of things...but mainly posting.

So it's the first full day of not talking to Ms. Canuck...and it sucks, but it'll be ok...what...with all that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" bullshit...but i'm holding up ok...and sure, it's only been a day, but there hasnt been a time in recent memory (minn. trip and camping aside) that I've gone this long. Hope you're having fun Janie.

Things in texas have been dull. 3 phone calls on my birthday, but it's the three most important to me so issa good, first one being from Janie while she was in Auckland...actually woke me up, but cant complain about that :P. trying to be responsible this go 'round...and so far i've managed to save all my birthday money, plus i filed my taxes and i'm getting twice as much as i thought...that's always nice to find out.

To copy what my fellow poster said, i dont read a lot of blogs, but the ones i do read, only 2 have been updated :P (hint hint goes to certain pilsner buying friend)

ending the post with some numbers...try to guess what the significance is and you win the self gratification of knowing what's up...

27 (two meanings for this one)


last post...

I leave at some god awful time of the morning. I'm without a computer. I borrowed Loafy & MacMillMann's :) I just wanted to say ciao to everyone... I'll be back in North America in a month ... be good and play nice while I'm gone. Love yas!


A few important notes:

1. Joey better get his writing groove on because as he already mentioned he'll have to do the majority of the posting while i'm gone - and he's not doing so well with that the last week!
2. people people people - there's seriously only a handful of blogs i read - for the love of god, write something
3. while i'm gone i'll write while i can but won't promise anything - so until then - i'll post as often as i want - 10 times a day until saturday if i so desire - y'all will just have to deal with it

thank you for your time

Fuck you, mister ghost, fuck you!

You read right - I'm refering to my ghost. I've always known he's been there. I choose not to acknolwedge him more often then not because I know he can fuck my shit up. But i know you're there - and FUCK YOU!
See - my ghost decided to fuck around and hide my digital camera charger on me. (YES it was the ghost NO it was not me misplacing it!) So - here I am leaving in 3 sleeps now - with the charger no where to be found. Which means, by Kyla standards I'll come home and have to spend roughly 4832938473 dollars on getting film developed because I wouldn't want to cut back on the amount of pictures I take. NOoooooooo. I guess it means i have less to take with me. 'cept digi's the smallest thing I was going to take with me - so big whoop.
(Cmann? MacMillMann? It didn't show up at the house yet, did it? some times my ghost puts things back in weird spots after he's done playing.....)


Yo Yo Yo from the 'van!!

Jealous aintcha? Any of you that know where I'm at - know enough to be SO FRIGGIN JEALOUS!! Ah oui.

Back at the 'rents house for a few days stay. Will be interesting I'm sure. See how it goes. Went tonight with 4 of my girls out for "Chicken Tenders" at the box cars - were super fuckin' good... mmmmmmm. Had a paralyzer and a rootbeerlyzer - also very good! From there - it was onto Dupe's place with her and Mrs. K. to watch an ooooooooooold video I fo und while packing filled with - uh - interesting - clips from high school. EEEEEEEEEK!!!!! Was super entertaining though - even though it was INCREDIBLY scary!! Gonna have to get it transfered to DVD!

4 more sleeps til I head downunder - super fantastic. I still have to figger out what to take with me... but that's okay, it'll get done... first - I must sleep!

Imma on my 'rents computer because I'm not sure if it's worth it to hook mine up for the couple of days I'm here. Other then for the fact that on my computer - I have music that wasn't downloaded by a 13/14 year old... so I have nothing better to leave you with other then

Atomic Kitten says... If you see me walking down the street, staring at the sky and draggin' my two feet, you just pass me by it still makes me cry - but you can make me whole again........... Looking back on when we first met, I can not escape and I can not forget - baby you're the one, you still turn me on - you can make me whole again.... (Teehee baby - that one's for you ;) Ugh - I can't believe I just ruined our blog with Atomic Kitten... someone put me outta my misery!!)