blah blah blah what were you expecting?


Some good question asking by Joey...

Joey Texan asks:

what's a 2-2-2....what's a Surkey sub?.....and are there really strangers in estevan? what your last career was an amazing racer?? if i didnt know better, sounded like you were drunk while posting

Well Joey - Thanks for writing in! Here in Janey-Land, we try our best to get back to ALL the fans who write to ask us questions. Here are the answers to YOUR questions. Thank you for writing and always remember to play nice!

a. 2-2-2 = 2 eggs, 2 bacon and 2 sausages - and is the choice of champions for the after bar Husky binge

b. a Surkey Sub is what a drunk person calls a turkey sub and is also another VERY nice choice for after the bar

NOTE:Due to Subway and Husky's unfortunate location away from the site of the Beef - any food from 7-11 MAY substitute in a pinch

c. yes there are strangers in the 'van - most of them are either younger or older than me, and quite often they MAY be borderline skids. Remember kids - don't talk to strangers, unless they are offering you a good place to keep getting drunk

d. yes, I never told you I am the brains behind the amazing race, I came up with the concept of people running around the world to win prizes and money. I combined my fierce sense of competition with my joy of all things travel and voila! I also hand-pick all the teams, however I had NOTHING to do with Romber

e. While the similarities are STRIKING, I do assure you, young Joey, I had not a sip of the juice of the gods tonight, and that I'm as sober now as I know how to be - sad state of affairs I tell ya!

Please - keep sending in your questions - I'm always happy to write my adoring fans!

(I'm off to sleep with Oinkers now -That is all)


oh... my. ... GOD

Just in time for a new career direction.... HELLO Kitchen Accomplished!!

No worries - Amazing Race is NO WHERE near getting bumped from my most awesomest show ever.... but it is SO last career ....

Also - I am having the most thrilling Friday ever. Seriously. Stuck in the 'Van... hard to believe that only a few short years ago, I'd have been at the Beef for hours by now... aaaaah those were the days. You know... double fisting the double paralyzers, shots of whatever is thrown your way, dancing like a maniac (and I don't dance - so that's assuming proper drunken level has been achieved...)Surkey Sub's at Subway (Thumb? Why would I want a THUMB??!!) after bar parties at random stranger's houses, early morning stop at Huskey for a 2-2-2 - maybe a lil' pukey wukey thrown in for good measure. Catch a few (12) hours of sleep - get up - do it all again.

But now? None of that for me! I'm much more content reading my new copy of "Real Simple" while day dreaming about things I might like to buy when I have more then $22.00 to my name! Also thinking of ways to scam money out of those who birthed me...

You know - same ol' same ol'!

(Content? Did I say I'm much more content? That's not at all what I am but I currently lack the brain power to come up with a whole different word to describe what I am!!)

(And that doesn't mean I'm going through Beef withdrawls either - it just means that while I don't need to go to the bar - I'd rather be doing something else right now then what I'm doing. Anyone know the word for that??)

That is all.



back in the saddle again... (literally)

well first of all, i hope you all had time to read Ms. Canuck's nice post about our concert experience... if not... scroll down or click HERE but to make one correction... "amanda" didnt choose to dance with her, i passed "amanda" off to her like any good "friend" would do ;)

but enuf about the concert...i couldnt have put it better was awesome and even better than the two U2 concerts i have been to...

so after the words a Saskatchewan girl should never hear debacle....
well i should start where she left off... or just fill in parts... so the car breaks down on the way to arlington...for the SECOND time in the drive, in about a span of 15 minutes....after spending 100 dollars ( that's 125.105 dollars for those up north) to get a tow home... i spend the same amount to get it to the service department... and since i was there dropping my car off, i get a rental car (that i'm still paying for right now ((and paid for it to sit in the airport parking lot for 4 days, who said i was smrt??)) ) get the rental car in time to get some grub and go to work... then insert great time in canada and the 'van.

that bring us to today...with a rental car and no way of getting the cash to fix the car, i decide to look at new cars...makes sense i know ;) and well i ended up getting a new car... my first big purchase...and it's a sweet ride if i say so...i know there are some of you out there that will not like it... but you know what??? i dont care!!!

i ended up getting a Scion xB (it's the boxy looking one...) not only did i get the boxy ugly one... i got a bright fuckin yellow one... a limited release 2.0 edition... only 2500 were made and mine is #1729 or some such, picture of that will come tomorrow with the rest of the interior shots... but right now here are some exterior shots.
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and there you have it... my new car... my first new car ever and i love it.

Lipped off!

So as anyone we care about knows - we were off to see the Blue Rodeo concert on Wednesday. Save the lip - we love them cuz they rock and that's all that matters! And for the record - the concert friggin' ROCKED - so there :D

Not the story I'm trying to tell though.

So - before the concert we head out to grab some eats. Seeing as we're staying at the Holiday Inn on POWD we just decide to feast at Perkins... you know... the one next to Movados.... not that I know anything about that place.... :D The meal was decent - but uber slow. However during which time - Joey fills me in on the fact that the opening act is Matt Mays and el Torpedo , who just happens to be a Canadian band I stumbled upon about a year ago on my most fave. website ever Needless to say - I've quite enjoyed them over the past year - not to obsessive stalker state - but I've grooved along nonetheless.

So - here we are - eating the world's slowest meal ever as the minutes tick by .... finally we finish up - make the 10 minute drive (THANK GOD FOR SASKATCHEWAN!!) get to the Centre of the Arts - park farther away then we drove - brave the freeeeeeeeeezing cold - get our tickets (FRONT ROW CENTRE, remember??) get inside... I gotta pee. Okay - we split up - go to the toilets and meet back to head inside. We walk in in the middle of "City by the Lakes" so we hang out at the door until the song is done at which point we take the opportunity to sneak into our seats. All sneaky like. You know - FRONT ROW CENTRE...


The band is jabbering away to each other and then "oh - sorry - we're just talking about...... THESE PEOPLE" - said pointing at us as we're trying to sneak in. Then? "It's okay - we're only the opening band - there's only 2 songs left, it doesn't matter if you're late".

All I know is I felt like an absolute idiot. I think Joey did too.... but it could have been worse... I could have tripped walking in (wouldn't be a first, would it people??) and fallen on my ass.

Needless to say - the 2 Matt Mayes songs we caught ROCKED and my boy bought me the new cd... YAY! From what I've had a chance to hear off the new cd - I'd high recommend it to anyone out there... his last cd was so much more "folk-rock-ish" but this new one def. seems to be more "rock-folk-ish". I love me some Canadian music!

Jim and Greg and Basil and crazy piano man were AMAZING as well. Totally worth gettin' Joey up from Texas to see. Not only have I been waiting for years just to see them - but to see them with him? Amazing!! For as mellow as their music sounds on their cd - they know a thing or 2 about giving a live show that (as I already said) ROCKS!! And it kicks my ass in laughter whenever I think about it because I swear the entire band was laughing at a joke only they knew the entire night... little impish grins and laughing eyes all night - LOVED IT! It easily moved to the top of the "Best Concert Ever List" - yes, beating out even KISS and Willie Nelson (I was pretty young though!) and Smashing Pumpkins. (KISS was at number one because it's KISS and had it been seen from FRONT ROW CENTRE it would probably still be number one...) As I was saying - Best Concert EVER!!

Even when my Texan gets hit on by "Amanda" and company.

Seriously... I have a theory - seeing as we were FRONT ROW CENTRE "Amanda" and her lil' friends look up - see - hey 2 guys sitting FRONT ROW CENTRE (cuz let us not forget - I have the world's WORST haircut and could easily be mistaken for either a boy or a lesbian....) so I figger "Amanda" and the girls thought they could all get a piece or something becuase I look over and there's this girl practically sitting in my boy's lap. But it was me she chose to dance with! (don't ask...) and then the three of them ended the concert dancing smack dab in front of us for the rest of the night - but oh well. Didn't take away from the amazingness of the concert so whatever!

So now - 2 days later I'm hangin' out coming off of concert high - watchin' "Miderman" for the bazillionth time with Bubs.... tryin' to not be sad because my boy had to go back to Texas yesterday afternoon... but who'm I kidding. I am sad by that fact. Really sad.

That is all.


Words a girl from Saskatchewan NEVER wants to hear...

"Just so you know, we probably WILL get mugged, so don't freak out."

Now - picture those words being said at midnight. On a busy highway/interstate/freeway - whatever the fuck they call them here. In a car. That has just died. With no tow-truck in site for an hour.

I'm surprised that no one noticed the strange odor coming from my side of the car after I shit myself. Not literally. Well - not that I'll admit anyway.....

Here's the scoop my friends -

My boy came home from work last night. We'd planned a fantastic evening of eating cow with mushrooms, onions and garlic and some cheesey caulies to boot. While watching the evenings taped edition of Survivor. Out of no-where comes a too-good-to-pass-up invite from my boy's buddy giggles to meet him and some peeps in Arlington. Well - okay that works.... someone get's ready and does their makeup. (It was Joey - he likes to look pretty!) (also: FYI - doing my hair is uber easy now that I have the worst haircut EVER.... even if I continually look like a boy) We get in the car and it starts.... however I *do* remember commenting "It's dead" ..... but then laughed it off as I realized - that no - it wasn't dead - I just forgot to turn my ears on :D

We take off to make the 30 minute-ish drive to where we're going... singing our lil' hearts out... somehow - somewhere - we missed a turn for an exit - but I won't get into that because I'm still confused as to how this place has the audacity to claim that one big city is actually a bazillion little cities... (don't get me started ....). Anyway - We's driving, we's driving, we's driving...... car starts to go dead... so Joey pulls over to the side of the road... shuts the car off ....... restarts it - SUPER! It works! Let's get goin'!! So.... We's driving, we's driving, we's driving...... (10-20 minutes pass...) car starts to go dead.... so Joey pulls over to the side of the road... shuts the car off... tries to restart it... tries to restart it... tries to restart it... car doesn't wanna go. So we sit and sit and once in awhile he tries some more, then we sit and we sit and he phones AAA. 40 minutes they say. 40 mintues to get a truck out. Then the tow truck calls. 60 minutes they say. 60 minutes to get the truck there. We were surpsied though because it WAS only 30 minutes from that call when it showed up.

So somewhere in that time is when this poor little defenseless girl from Saskatchewan hears the line "Just so you know, we probably WILL get mugged, so don't freak out."

Needless to say - it didn't happen!! YAY! Tow truck came - we all piled into the "Jesus Saves" mobile (which was blaring "Drugs or Jesus" when we got in - just a strange coincidence though.... I thought I was about to have a Harold and Kumar experience....) and a couple hours after our excursion began - we arrived back at Joey's house. We're safe and sound - the car's home, we're home - with everything we left with. All's good in happy fun land.

Until today.... but - I'm not going to get into that because that's for Joey to talk about if/when he doesn't want to kill things at the mere thought of everything that's happened today.

I don't mean to jinx things - but that $205 million dollar lottery would be good right now........ hell - even enough to just fix this situation would be decent!

I told Joey 2 things after last night:

1. He'd best be thankful that we weren't robbed because that pretty much would mean that not only was I never moving down here - I'd probably question even VISITING again (okay the last part is just for dramatics - I didn't really say it!)

2. If he EVER says something like "Just so you know, we probably WILL get mugged, so don't freak out." to me again - he doesn't want to sit around and see what my response is the second time around


That is all!

ps - MacMillMann - that does mean that we didn't get a chance to go to Tar-Jay or Bath and Body Works today... sorry chicka....


You make me wanna La-La

Yeah I hate that friggin' song too, but some stupid commercial has been playing it all day. Deal.

Ah what to write what to write what to write....

Okay - So I'm in Texas, doing Texas type things. "What's THAT mean??", you may ask. Well - Imma only going to discuss this once, so enjoy it.

Saturday afternoon - after eats with my boy and his dad - I was enlightened by what was my first (and with Gods on my side - last) gun show. or is it gunshow - I know not. What I DO know is - what a creepy, CREEPY experience!! Serious - I don't mean no disrespect - but come ON now. Do people really think there's no problem with all these weird people wandering around with guns strapped to their backs?? Sorry - but my idea of fun doesn't begin by walking through a door that has a sign that says "Please unload ALL guns". Well - I mean - don't get me wrong - there was the cool booth with the blinking Canada flag pin - that was neat :D And for the record - it would be an AMAZING place to people watch - if you weren't scared shitless that they'd shoot you for staring!! But iunno - there's a certain level of discomfort that comes from being in a place like that. Do we even HAVE shit like that in Canada??

Also - does no one see anything weird about the 2 obvious biker-gang guys (I can't remember WHICH gang - but we'll just say they weren't trying to be nonchalant (sp) about it...) wandering around looking to purchase guns? I'm SURE they were eyeing up the oozies!! (Okay - there were no oozies there.... but whatever!)

Other then gun show fun - not a lot to rant about. I CAN offer this little tidbit though: visiting Dallas - REALLY sucks when you're sick almost the entire time. And it's NOT allergies, despite what some people (JOEY!!) say!! Serious - Saskatchewan people - can you vouche for me here? How much do MOST people up there suffer for allergies? It's HUGE - if I ain't got 'em there - I ain't got 'em here!!


I forgot to letcha's know - I went to check out the school that I'm going to go to here - and despite it's lack-luster appearance on the outside - the inside is pretty fuckin' good and the courses are exactly what I'm looking for. So that means - with fingers crossed - that I will hopefully be moving down here within the next little while to become Queen of the World.... uhm... er.... uh.... I mean - to go to cooking school! WOOHOO!!!!!! After sitting on a year - actually seeing where I could be learning for the next several months of my life - it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside! So as long as the US Government decides I am worthy of a student visa, and assuming they haven't given them all out to people less worthy - I should hopefully be able to obtain at least ONE of my goals within the next year..... SWEET!

So I think that's about it.... Maybe tomorrow night while someone's at work I'll post again - or maybe - I'll sit on my ass and do nothing - I guess we'll see :D

That is all!


'allo 'allo again!


Here I am - in Texas - yo! It's pretty cool seein' as I get to hang out with that certain someone in my life *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* - no complaints on that one! What DOES suck however is that I'm sicker then ass.... and before you ask, YES ass is pretty fuckin' sick. I spent all of yesterday in bed, and have attempted to today as well, but someone kept buggin' so that didn't work so good!
That someone is now on his way to work... but I just had to take a minute to brag real quick about the upcoming Blue Rodeo concert on the 26th in the Vag......
I've got 3 words for you....


That is all!!


This is what i'm talking about

I'm staying at me kinda-sister-person's house. Her youngest son -my nephew, my Godson - is asleep in my arms. When we left to go get dinner tonight, I walked in the door to him screaming all the wy up stairs "AUNTIE AUNTIE AUNTIE AUNTIE AUNTIE" and when he saw me he flung himself into my arms and gave me a big hug and kiss. I look at him as he snores in my arms (and the kid can friggin' snore) and I'm reminded of this...
For all the excitement and amazing things I'm about to embark on in my life - few things in the world will ever replace what I already have.
I love you little Bubs - you will be one of the things I miss the most....
That is all.


Time to say ....

Ciao to the wonderful country that is a continent....

I can't believe my month is up.... weird ass.

Bye bye my lovelies....

I'll see you all when I'm back in the easietly drawn province...

Be good....

That is all


what can i say...

it's boring here... school and work, nothing else... and still no stories about Pedro or Wil. E. :-( so that's why i dont post... so :P

hey Janie... let's NOT try this ok?? i dont think i need to go to this extreme to prove anything...
True Love(warning...may cause dizziness, or lose of appetite)

the end.

If i didn't know better....

I'd think Joey doesn't exist anymore....
But I know better - thanks for carrying the posting while I've been gone though!

2 more sleeps til I get back to my continent. Crazy how fast time goes...

On to m0re exciting things.... I was informed by Loafy and MacMillmann yesterday that my basement is leaking, and subsequent repairs are going to run in the "at least $5000" range. That's an EXCELLENT way to round out my trip down under...
But after crying on it - erm - I mean - thinking on it for a bit - and hearing what everyone around had to say - I've come to the conclusion that - it's going to be okay. Actually - I have to admit - having Loafy (And MacMillMann!!) in the picture when it happened is a HELLUVA lot better then if I was still living there myself - at least they're mature and they can handle the pressure and stress of it all!! You guys rock!! (CMann - you too!)

That is all - I go do dishes now. (I don't do dishes at my own house - but of course the dishwasher at J&M's broke down within days of being here - so now - I do dishes.... life, eh??)


That's about right...

For those of you that know me even a teeny bit - you HAVE to know that I - Janie Canuck - am not a religious person. I am - however - a highly spiritual person with an almost weird interest in almost every religion and a thirst for knowledge that feeds into my own personal belief structure that I attempt to live my life by.

That being said - it should come as no shock that with all that is happening in the world right now regarding the Pope - I've been glued to the internet for hours trying to keep a float on what's going on. It just so happens - as a huge world event such as this is taking place - I am in what may be the only house on the planet without cable. Yes - we get 4 channels - but I'm also in Australia - none of these channels seem to have ANY sort of news on them - except for once a week. So - I'm in my little bubble - trying to be informed as best I can about what's going on out there - craving a live feed to show me something - only to have what I find as a live feed be (thanks Joey) a Prayer of some sort - that is in a language that I can not even BEGIN to understand.

And to top it all off - there seems to be a brief point in time when the media (aaah yes - and how I LOVE the media sometimes....) was convinced for a couple hours that there had been a death - only to find out - nope - not true.

Love or hate for the media aside - what I wouldn't do for CNN right now!!
That is all.