blah blah blah what were you expecting?



Goodbye house
Goodbye my cool painted bedroom
Goodbye my favourite Navy Blue Living room
Goodbye my M&M kitchen
Goodbye my deep freeze
Goodbye my big screen tv
Goodbye my own bathroom
Goodbye my cool painted main bathroom
Goodbye my cool arches
Goodbye my washer and dryer
Goodbye my garage
Goodbye my office room painted all pretty and with all the maps
Goodbye my bedroom furniture
Goodbye my living room furniture
Goodbye my computer desk
Goodbye my Loafy, MacMillMann and CMann
Goodbye my Kids and my Tanya
Goodbye my Regina
Goodbye sleepovers with my kids
Goodbye sleepovers with my boy
Goodbye sleepovers with my girls
Goodbye visits from Mom
Goodbye visits from my brother
Goodbye to the last four years of my life....
Hello big and bright new world!


worst. day. ever. EVER.


So - as i sit, taking a break, with a bowl of coffee/skor/toasted almond homemade ice cream, i can't help but think of how absolutely amazing the last few days of my life were. Which makes the fact that this is the worst. day. ever. EVER. even worse. I was blessed with what was THE best birthday ever. I didn't go out to the bar. I didn't drink my face off. I didn't walk out the door with the keys to a brand new Porche. Hell - other then 4 people, I've not even seen anyone I know today. But I DID wake up next to the man that I love, and that was the best feeling ever. I DID get to live the last 38 hours (ish) feeling like I'm the best thing since sliced bread.... and dudes - sliced bread is pretty friggin' good!

The downside is.... upon waking up - there was a mere 5 hours left until he had to be on a plane back home. Which meant another goodbye... which meant more tears... which meant another pang of lonlieness deep inside. That also made reality set in again.... that this is the last and final night in my home. My own house - my own memories. I am sadened by the fact that 27... oops - 28 - years of my life is now sitting in a 10x10 storage garage. And it's half empty. I'm sadened by the fact that what is supposed to be one of the most exciting things in my life (and the wedding and trip WILL be awesome) is on the backburner to all the emotions I'm feeling right now about up and leaving all of my life behind. It is the last night in my house, and I realized today that - it's not my house. Day by day as the last few weeks have moved on, it's become less and less my house. Tonight - it's Loafy, MacMillMann, and CMann's house, I'm just lucky that they're allowing me a few spots where I can keep some things, and a place to curl up and sleep on the floor on my old futon matress.

At the same time - there's a few moments once in awhile where the happiness of everything DOES set in. I'm happier then I've ever been in life, with so many amazing and beautiful things on the horizon - love, adventure, career, location - everything. And I'm not lessening those things - I'm VERY excited for those things.... but for now, I just want to curl up in a corner, with my bowl of ice cream and a pizza (hi, comfort foods!) and cry and sulk and feel sorry for myself. And it's my birthday, so fuck you, I'm allowed!


T minus 6 hours and counting....

as the title says, someone is leaving on a plane in 6 hours to spend the weekend with someone so he can give that someone a special birthday before she leaves the western hemisphere. which i guess means, i'll have to do most of the posting while she gone...crap that's going to suck, i hardly post anyway... :P
so for the random useless non informative posting by joey....
So American Idol, or AI as some call is in full swing...the singers that left should have gone. Gotta cheer on the rockers..Constantine has been good to this point..i still prefer the southern rocker over the yank rocker (even tho Constantine's fave singers are Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin..and even went to the boston conservatory...)


Holy ASS...

Did you all realize... that.... in my list of count downs - I left out one very important one? I'm not saying what it is - cuz I hate it anyways - so would rather not draw attention to it----- but the fact of the matter is I left out something signifcant and I had to take a minute to point it out for the sheer airheadedness of NOT pointing it out in the previous list... 3 more sleeps til it though....
And I also just realized 2 things - 1. that no you all probably did NOT realize it that I left it out... (well a few of you probably did....) and 2. I'm not pointing out that I didn't point it out in a lame attempt TO point it out as some sort of attention seeking scam.

More importantly.... ONE MORE SLEEP TILL MY TEXAN COMES HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I don't mean to come off as overly excited - but - com'mon now....

1. TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! TWO MORE SLEEPS! Two more sleeps until I get me some TEXAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay - so apparently I'm *that* girl now... but what-fucking-ever - I spent 27 years adamantly NOT being *that* girl - so if I am now - oh well. Point is - in two sleeps I get the best birthday present ever - and I'm okay with being cheesey!

2. 5 more more sleeps - sans caps. 5 more sleeps is all I have left in my first ever house that I own. It's sad - but my Texan gave me some perspective on it - so pack it up and put it away! GIDDY UP MUTHAFUCKA!!

3. 9 MORE SLEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 more sleeps til I'm on my way to Australia for the big wedding. I bought a video camera today to caputre it all - seeing as the bride and groom aren't paying a videographer to come out to the island - this way someone will have record of it. Hopefully we can find someone nice to record while we're doing the ceremony.... or else i'll see if Matt can seriously make me a helmet cam - I LOVE HELMET CAM!! Or - more likely - go and get a tripod and set that shit up. Wha-ev-ah

So yeah - went to ye olde Best Buy today to get a dvd video camera... i know fuck all about them - but it was a bargoon and the stuff i read online didn't seem so bad. It'll do the job - it's cute and little and fun looking - all the important stuff, right? So now - in addition to my cameras always being in everyone's faces - I've got a video camera .... bad ASS!!!!! And you just know it'll be draggin' it around with me everwhere! I can hook it up to do video editing on my computer - score! Needless to say - I'm itchin' for the battery to be charged and ready to go so I can play .... MacMillMann better get here soon to make me focus on packing, or else i'll get Sweet F.A done!

Also have to finish up on *someone*'s birthday pressie.... teeheehee... you gonna love you some present!! Hopefully ;)

Sal says: All the world's your ashtray, I'm just your Marlboro - light me up and butt me - you're sick and beautiful............


My how time flies....

Ok, so I'm taking two nights classes along with some during normal schooling hours...

the problem i have with the night classes...when we take exams, that's all that we're doing in the class that night. which means that I get to drive 45 minutes in traffic to get to class by 6pm...get in class wait for the test to be headed out, then take the test. so far doesnt sound so bad... here's the bitch of it all...i begin taking the test, i finish the test and turn it in, walk out of the class and look at my watch and see that it's i get in the car after a 10 minute walk to the parking lot...and drive 30 minutes home (save 15 minutes since there is no traffic..)
so total driving time.. 1 hour 15 minutes
total class time... 30 minutes...
dont get me wrong, i love short classes...but when it takes twice as long to drive there and back... i get a lil T-O'ed..gooooooossh


Stop the Insanity....

I love hockey. I may not be as over the top die-hard as a buncha people. I may not know old stats from back in the day - or even yesterday. I probably don't even know as many names as I should - or once did for that matter. Fact is though I'm a Small Town Saskatchewan Girl. S.T.S.G if you prefer. Hockey is in my blood. For the first 19 years of my life - if I didn't talk hockey - I didn't talk to my Dad or brother. My point is - I LOVE ME SOME HOCKEY!

That being said - I'd given up hope long before Wednesday of the season being saved. And the Friday Night Shit Show - I barely paid attention to it other then mention of my secret boyfriend Wayne Gretzky (It's okay - my baby knows the situation... ) Fact of the matter is - the season was dead long ago - there's still plenty of hockey around me if'n i choose to find it (Good hockey? Well, not this year seeing as the Pats suck so bad...)

So - if even NOW you're all confused - I'll add to the random links to articles being posted regarding the meeting on Saturday.

Do I love me some hockey? Yes. Do I have me some opinions? Yes. Am I sad there's no NHL this year? Yes. But long ago I stopped concerning myself with something that I had no ability to change - or even have the slightest affect on. (effect? Fuck me if I know...) Thank God I'm Canadian - at least it's still at every corner in my world!

In honour of hockey...

Gord says - if there was a goal that everyone remembers it was back in ol' '72, we all squeezed the stick and we all pulled the trigger... and all I remember is sitting beside you, you said you didn't give a fuck about hockey - and I never saw someone say that before... you held my hand and we walked home the long way - you were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr.

Oh yeah - now continue to the post below and do what Joey tells you to do!!
(bossy lil' thing ain't she?) (and by she - I mean - me :) )

so what are you?

here's a lil quiz that *I* the texan found...take it if you want. What Province are you? *edit* oh ya, post your results in our comment section...some peeps have more comments on their blogs than POST YOUR RESULTS DAMNIT

and in other exciting news, the media has put us hockey fans on an emotional roller coaster the past 24 hours...and it all started with the hockey news with this article...oh well, did anyone really thing there would be hockey played this year anyway?


I feel the need to write something here, so I'm going to.

The reason I feel this absolute need - I'm not sure. Avoidence? Boredom? Laziness? Procrastination? Complete and utter lack of motivation to do anything? Prolly all the above - but mostly the last one :)

So - instead - I ramble. I'm fairly P.O'd at all of you out there who ignored my near begging plea to try the 2 bestest shots in the world. Fuck you all. No. Really. Okay - well not really. But come on now.... TRY THE FUCKING THINGS. Do you want me to get on me knees to beg for real?? DO YOU??? Not a frigging chance. Sorry - won't do it.

So - this time next week my favoUritest person in the WORLD will be here with me... for my birthday! YAY!!! I know I keep breaking all sorts of rules baby - but I just can't help but brag to the population of the world about how I'm the luckiest girl EVER!! You - in my town - is the best thing I could ever get for my birthday... seriously - I don't think you'll be able to top it ever - just so you know.

In addition to my most fave person ever showing up this time next week - I'm also eagerly looking forward - somewhat - to my trip down OZ way in 2 weeks plus a day. Somewhat? Well I'm sad to move outta my house - sad I have to go over a month without seeing mah man (and yes - a month is awhile seeing as what our record has been since we had the face to face...) plus - I have a million other things in the next few months that have to be taken care of - so this is just the begining of what will be a long journey. But a good one - so - YAY!

3 weeks and a day is the wedding of one of my oldest and bestest friends IN THE WORLD on Moreton Island - followed by a week of doing absolutely fuck all on said island. Beauty. Then - it's off to Ballarat where they live to do - well - whatever the fuck we want until they go back to work!

So - that's me in a nutshell for the next few weeks.... super excited. Super nervous. Super happy. But a bit of me is super sad - I can't lie about that... I can't even try to lie about that...

Jim says... I'll miss the way you wake up and the way that you sigh - and I'll miss the way you turn your head away when you cry... I don't think this time will fly... here comes sad nights again.


"I didn't get no allowance today so now i'm really ticked off"

so i dont post as often as some other do... does that really matter?? ;)

nothing really happens that's exicting in my neck of the woods...
it's either wake up, go to class three days a week, come home and talk to some of mah favourite peeps.
wake up , have lunch/supper with pops, go to work three days a week, come home and talk to some of mah favourite peeps. can i really post something as interests as drink recipes or even better yet, how can i top a story where you can say vagina and no one blinks an eyelash??

when my radio show starts on sunday, i'll give you more details...i wont link it just yet because i might not have access to the studio on weekends yet...but just stay tuned for more details :P

and i will leave you with a few quotes from tv shows and movies. leave a comment and guess where they are from...
1. see title of this post.
2. "nobody owns the water, it's god's water"
3. "in 11 years it'll be 1984, think about THAT"
4. "i'm going to answer a question with a question, SHUT UP"

Ever Notice?

I seem to post more then other people *AHEM*


Okay just typed this whole one out - and it fucked up on me. Super Happy

Anyways - Thanks to CMann I feel the need to make a post about this:

You'll recall from my Vaginas in Regina post - I quickly ran over the Bottlecap thing with everyone.

To refresh...

The Bottlecap

1 shot glass
1/2 full of Red Sour Puss/Pucker
1/2 full of Rootbeer Schnaaps
in a seperate tall (BUT NOT HUGE!) glass:
fill it to around half with Lime bar mix / juice (I'm not talkin' "Real Lime" juice here - the stuff you could drink on it's own, damnit!) and Sprite
Drop shot glass into larger glass a la Boilermaker - down it.

Now - here's another favourite...

The Gladiator

1 shot glass
1/2 full of Southern Comfort
1/2 full of Amaretto
in a seperate tall (see above) glass:
fill it to around half with Orange juice and Sprite
Drop shot glass into larger glass a la Boilermaker - down it.

Now - here's the deal - I'm not lyin' about how friggin' good these things are. I wouldn't do that - I never lie about alcohol. All I'm asking is that YOU get out to your local water hole - and TRY THE DAMN THINGS!! Seriously - and then go ahead and leave us a message about it. Some - shall we say - less good drinkers - complain about too much liquid at once. Don't wanna hear it. Suck it up Nancy Boy - do the damn shot!

Have a good one!

My how time FLIES....

When you're stuckin photo HELL. I can't believe it's been this long since there was a post... Actually - I started one awhile back - but then someone (JOEY!) and I got yapping on the phone and - well - I lost my creative juices... and I mean NOTHING by that other then I just lost my train of thought. What do you take me for? A no class trollop? PUHLEEZE!

So - this last week has been an interesting one. As I mentioned - Photo HELL. Meaning I'm using my fancy ass expensive as fuck film scanner (for the first time in a year that I've had it...) (and i only use the phrase "expensive as fuck" to point out how stupid it is to pay so much money for something to not use it for an entire year.... therefore making fun of myself) to scan all my negatives from the last 20 odd years of my life onto my computer to save onto cd. Therefore - Photo HELL. I mean - there's lots of memries there - but it's tedious and I should seriously be doing other things.


Packing. Because I need to move outta my house by the end of the month. Which means packing up all my shite ... ALL MY SHITE! (I've got tons of shite - ask people - they'll tell you) and I have to find a place to store it and actually GET it to storage. Super fun. So - that's why I'm scanning all the negatives -incase storage goes up in flames with all my memories in it - I've got back up! It'll be neat though because Loafy, MacMillmann and Mannsta (CMANN!) are renting my house from me while I'm gone and then the first 2 are buying it upon my return... suhweeeet action jackson. Granted - it'd be nice to have a few extra loonies for my big trip - but I should be able to sell enough vital organs to keep myself afloat! So tonight instead of packing and scanning - I spent the evening with MacMillmann and Cmann painting the later's new bedroom from the insaneness that it was to a work of art :) FUN :)

Onto bigger and brighter news.............GUESS WHO'S COMING TO SEE ME FOR MY BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Imma the luckiest girl EVER.



End of story.

In other news - I'm proud to say that I've officially seen the strangest thing I've ever witnessed in my life. Monday - "Luvre's Day" - I took treats over to my kids - because that's what this cool ass Auntie does. And I never thought much of the term "sugar high" until that day. See... Bubs is 2.5 yrs old. Cutest lil' thing in the world. Don't argue it, because it's true. Seriously. SO CUTE. Okay - anways - get over there around 730-8pm - right in time for near bedtime and JUST enough time to fill them full of sugar. THAT'S WHY IM THE FAVE, DAMNIT! .... So - Bubs - eats his fair share of candy - and then some. ANd takes off running - all the while yelling "I'M RUNNING! I'M RUNNING! I'M RUNNING!" This continues on for a couple hours while his mom and I are doing some stuff online.... (BUH BYE! BYE NOW! BUH BYE!) And........... then comes the crash. OH MY LORD. FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! Here comes this 2 year old... pulling up a stool to the computer desk to sit beside Auntie... and he proceeds to spend the next hour - or close to... chewing on the oak desk. GNAWING actually. And anytime someone tried to touch him he'd get lethargic and try to push the hand away - about 30 seconds after the fact. And at one point when he heard the "doorbell" on Yahoo... he looked at us and said "get it" - then just went back to chewing. For an hour. !!Moral of the story - 2.5 year old boys can't handle as much sugar as their older siblings, and doing so will infact cause a sugar high. Which WILL be followed by a crash. And the crash may involve chewing on oak. Happy to report after the hour was up - he was fine :) See? I'm not so bad after all - and I STILL get to be the cool Auntie - Love how that works....

True story, I swear it!

Also - Sam says Don't Walk Away Eileen....


I don't feel like checking for typos and shite i fucked up - DEAL :)


Vaginas in Regina

You read it right - Vaginas in Regina. Jealous ain'tcha?? Well - you should be. I just spent one whole week (yes, one WHOLE week) recovering from the first annual Vaginas in Regina. There was no lesbianism involved - so if you're lookin' for some explicit chick on chick action - you might as well stop now. I will however say that I love my girls with all my heart. But there ain't NO HOUSE big enough to house 6 very VERY different Vaginas.
The weekend was amazing though - we started off Friday with Fondue night... It was great fun - well - sort of. If you don't count the small fire in the middle of my kitchen table because yours truely never figured out the proper way to refill the fuel in the burner. The table isn't salvagable - but beyond that - the house is standing! I learned who I would trust in an emergency - and it's NOT the fireman's daughter! Also - I drank the better part of 3 bottles of red wine. I was tight. Well - yeah - I was
Saturday - those who enjoy the sensation of other people touching them had spa day. That doesn't include me. Seriously. That's so friggin' gross. They DID come back with a very glowy look to them though - so I guess they enjoyed it! That was followed by scrapbooking. (For those keeping count - out of the 3 activies so far - fondue, spa, scrapbooking - i'm 1 for 3... the fondue ROCKED!) Now - seriously - I HATE scrapbooking. I've never seen such a huge waste of time in my life. For reals - why bother? But - we got to look at highly embarrassing photos from all the years gone by (seeing as all of us have been friends for more then 13 years... a in some cases 20 years...) I didn't think we went through the "ugly" stage that those who did high school in the 80's had to go through. I also didn't think - for the most part - we'd all changed that much. Wrong on both accounts. I encourage all to relive old photos. Now. Do it. I'll stop typing while you do....
(aaah thanks TBS - Haven't seen Night at the Roxbury in at least 15 hours....)
Okay so - Saturday night - we do the classy eats thing. One of the best places in the city. Was SO good. But - being from the town we're from - we can't be 100% classy. Seriously - we don't know how. So - we decide we want "Bottle Cap" shooters. It's one of those drop the shotglass into a bigger glass of liquid shots... we call them boilermakers by type - SOMEONE LIPPED ME OFF ABOUT THAT THOUGHT (JOEY!) So - call it what you want. Anyways - Red Sour Puss (erm - Pucker to you Yanks) and rootbeer schnaaps in the shot glass - lime bar mix and sprite in the glass... drop it - drink it - is good. TRY IT. Not exactly a classy drink to have at this restaurant though. Thing is - the waiter had never heard of them. So - he tried looking it up online - nothing. So - what's a group of girls to do - other then to call the friggin' bar in our hometown and ask how to make them. SCORE! (Side bar - for some reason the bar actually called my cell phone back too - not sure because we didn't actually hear it - neat!) So we tell the waiter - he puts the order in. Comes back a few minutes later saying "we'll have those for you right away..." and as he says it - we see the bartender bolting out the front door - over the the liquor store across the street - no sour puss! Problem solved -he came back - made some FANTASTIC Bottle Caps.... we had a few rounds - including one on the house!
The waiter asked what we were celebrating - we weren't drunk enough to shout "VAGINAS IN REGINA!"
On to the bar after that - dance music.... pffffffft big thumbs down. This prarie girl wanted to rock out - what's wrong with ACDC and the rest of the rockers? Geeeeeze. (FYI - if you ever wanna see me crazy drunk - there must be ACDC involved...) 8 or 9 double paralyzers and more bottle caps later - and i was no where near as drunk as i shoulda been. It was the damn music - just for the record.
Sunday was to involve a trip to a psychic - but he'd just gotten back from holidays and didn't want to see people... sucks - that was 6 friggin' people at his door ready to pay him huge amounts of money to tell us our futures... oh well. Instead - big - fatty - breakfast at Perkins and some shopping (what's Vaginas in Regina without shopping?!?!) and then my Vaginas all left town . I was sad to see them go.
Can't wait til the 2nd Annual Vaginas in Regina
Or Clits in Calgary (that was a suggestion from one of the Vaginas...)
Is it weird that the word Vagina doesn't even cause me to raise an eyebrow anymore?
Also - I showed my house to my friend's parents because it looks like the friends are buying it. Score some mulah for me come April when I finalize!
(Sorry baby - I KNOW I BROKE RULES! but i told you - it was just too hard to pass up - it's not every day someone can write about "Vaginas in Regina")


Whatever floats your boat

So i was playing golf today at the reg gin that i usually play when i lost my 9 iron so i started yelling a much in fact that i got a i ended up taking a know the pills...little, yellow, different. So after the headache was gone i was sooo excited that i ended up running around the street in triumph, it was at that point i slipped and fell into a puddle of now my back's all wet.


Porn in school

So ok, I had to watch porn in one of my classes this week, and in another class I had to watch Full Metal Jacket....good times...and there are horses somewhere....just cant find em