blah blah blah what were you expecting?


I'm up to no good...

So it's been 4 days since i left the warm, semi hot weather of texas and came to the cloudy skies of southeastern was actually the nicest day since i've been here and its supposed to get better as the week goes along... so a nice golf outing is looking very better since i hauled my clubs all the way up here...

in other news, i got to experience what is the beef and that was after a nice lil bar tab we racked up at the brass bull where there was much consumption of paralyzers and caesers... and even the ever popular 'van shooter... the bottlecap...much goodness.

two posts in a row from me without word of ms. canuck... maybe she's on still protesting... but right now she's still hungover...

and for the random link of the day...what will they think of next for GPS usage


oh well

i must say that Bo's version of the winner's song was much better. i'm not bitter about who won, it's actually a good thing because mister bo can now make his own stuff and not have to succumb to the evil empire that is main stream media.

heh and she's still butchering it while i type this... but like i said oh well...

oh ya, and if the world of reality tv shows this season... this was the frist one where the person that i wanted to win didnt... oh well again... cant have it all.. Tom, Uchenna and Joyce, Sergio. oh well thrice... so congrats bo bice


Right now as I roll outta bed and contimplate getting in the shower, I realize:

My boy is in the air, somewhere between MSP and YQR.

I think I just wet myself I'm so excited!!!!

(Oh shush, I didn't - but I can't help it if "wet myself" is just funny sometimes!)

I feel like being Will Ferrell in Elf when he twirls around and yells he's in love and doesn't care WHO knows...

I lack the lil' green elf costume though.

I'd better go get myself prettied up to get my boy now... how odd... no sweatpants and makeup - TWICE IN ONE WEEK!! This could be a sign of crazy things happening in the world...




I like it *HOT*

You know what the absolute BEST thing in the entire world is? When the weather *finally* gets nice - not - you know - Texas nice - but May in Saskatchewan nice. Mid 20's, calm breeze, sun shining, white fluffy clouds making their way across the sky.

The only thing that could make days like this even remotely better is finding out the A/C in your car no longer works.

Seriously. Couldn't of broken down a few months ago when A/C was the LAST thing anyone needed, and even for a unseasonalbly warm winter day should one want to use the A/C in ones car for something - at least a few months ago I would have had liquid finances with which to fix the problem.

But no - because in my past life I must have truely been the hugest asshole goin' - Karma said - suffer bitch, as soon as it's nice out - we're smashin' that A/C to bits!

So poor poor Elmer - his A/C isn't working, his front end is still smashed up from my lil oopie this winter, he's got a scrape down one side of him from my run in with a concrete pilar, 2 recall notices to get some birth defects he has fixed on Dodge's bill, a cracked passenger mirror and a cracked front window. Eeeek - there's so much wrong with him when I list it all out like that! Looks like he's gonna have a lil' stay with the car doctor as soon as house nightmare is over and done with.

On the bright side - my boy gets here in 2 sleeps :D



It's always been my belief that the people we're lucky enough to have in our lives are here for a reason. (Duh) Okay - better put - I've always stated that those that are my friend, bring something to my life that I do not posses on my own. (Duh again, I know.)

Sometimes, I get in real "thinky" moods about the people that have come in and out of my life. Some for brief periods, some have been here for longer than I remember (Hi Dupe!).

I always say that just because I don't talk to someone all the time - doesn't mean they're not an important part of my life - it doesn't mean that they've stopped bringing that part to my life that they initially offered. And I hope that's true. I know I've had a lot of people in and out in many ways in my life. Some that I thought would be here forever - well I figure we've fulfilled our purposes in each others lives. Yet more often then not - I reach back and pull a feeling, a thought or a smile in reference to the people that I've not remained involved with.

It makes me sad sometimes - when I think of the people I've let go in my life. Mostly because I suck ASS at keeping in touch - not because I don't want to, but because I generally have nothing to say. It's true that those we talk to most often - are those that we have the most to say to.

It can be really sad though - when you think back to certain times in your life when you seemed to revolve around some kind of relationship with a person or group of people. At that exact moment in time, there were no other people in the world that "got you" as much as they did. Did I realize then how important they were? Sure... but I never pictured life without some of them.

It doesn't help that pet peeve #1 is small talk - and with those we've not been around for awhile - that's what it's broken down to sometimes.

I wish there was a way I could thank everyone that's been and gone in my life - because whether they realize it or not, I did take something from our chance meetings. Imagine how many people there are in the world - and I've been lucky enough to call so many unique and interesting people my friends.

On the other hand - maybe I'm just a gigantic bitch who uses all of these things to make herself feel better at lack of contact with people who once ment so much.

Naaaah... bitch - okay I'll give ya that one .... but I ain't ownin' up to the rest.

I'm off to listen to Kitchen Gymnastics now... it's oh so enjoyable right above my bedroom - thanks mom.



Guess what everyone?

chicken butt



Okay so obviously it's been driving me nuts not rambling when I want - so I figured - Joey posted - and hopefully learned a lesson to post more often - so I'm goin'!

I've gotta do something to keep me occupied here! I'm back in E-Van paradise for a few more days (till my boy gets here!) and while him and Giggles and whoever else are out seeing the new Star Wars movie on the first showing, I'm hanging out here picking my ass. For the record, it'll prolly be like 4 weeks before the 'van gets that movie. Just so you all know - maybe even 6. (Maybe they've got better in the years I've been gone - who knows?)

So tonight Dupe and I went for an awesome walk around her area of the metropolis. Walking in the 'van rules because you don't have to worry about getting raped and killed. Serious plus. So we walked around the neighborhood for a bit and got back to her house where I proceeded to watch her dig around for something to have for supper. After watching her hit dead end after dead end, I offered to make her a fritatta with whatever she had in the fridge - which turned out to be a beautiful lookin' red and yellow pepper with celery and carrots and chicken creation. She said it was good - I figgered it'd have to be - it's a fritatta for crying out loud. YUM!

Okay - enough pleasentries. I've gotta bitch now. I know - I hid it well by having fun happy things to say about walking and fritattas n' shite.

Here it is people:

If you have to start a sentance with the phrase "I don't mean to be rude, but..."
Because you know what? 99% of the time "I don't mean to be rude, but..." isn't going to smooth over the fact that you are, indeed being rude. If you're starting a sentance with those words - you are more then aware of the fact that you ARE being rude, so perhaps instead of being said rude person, you should just keep your big fucking mouth shut.

Close relations to "I don't mean to be rude, but..." include:
"I don't mean to tell you what to do..."
"I'm not trying to be ignorant..."
"Not to sound like an asshole..."

And so on and so forth. Seriously.... don't bother.

I think because of my general displeasure in my current (lack of a) living situation, I find myself growing more and more irritable and bitchty as the days go by. Soon you'll all be asking "what happened to Janey the pushover that's been around the last few years?" Those of you that were there to remember the intenser, more freak-out Janey of days gone by may be in for a walk down memory lane if people don't stop pissing me off soon! One of these days I may actually tell people to start sticking proverbial things up their proverbial asses.

On the other hand - my boy gets here in less then a week - and perhaps I won't be such a raging bitch then, as I do seem to think his leaving the last time directly influenced my level of bitchiness that I've had the last few weeks.

I guess we'll find out

Also - completely not related - but I'm loving this blog: Eklund's Hockey Rumors so take a peek if you don't want me to kick your ass. Erm - I mean if you are into hockey and stuff and wanna see it. (For the record - I only spelled "Rumors" incorrectly because that's the way they have it spelled! To clarify - *I* - Janey Canuck - know that the correct spelling is "RumoUrs".... :D)



As promised..

so what's been going on in joey's world....everyone wants to knwo i'm sure...

well the semester is over finally, i think i did pretty good. wont bore anyone with those details...

i almost burned the house down this week...i was trying to cook some bacon wrapped chicken...and while i was toasting the almonds in the oven...the almonds caught fire and there was a flame 5 feet high inside the oven. so quick thinking mom decided that she wanted to throw flour in the oven to put the fire out, which while it may have been good a good intention... there were two problems.. 1) we have no flour so she threw atkins bake mix in the oven... 2) (this is where the big mess began) the fire was on the top rack, all the flour landed below the top rack, therefor missing the fire me being s-m-r-t got a cup of water (after seeing it wasnt a grease fire, or an electrical fire, just the fucking almonds burning to oblivion...) and throw it on the fire and put it out instantly... so ok, good... fire is out... but now there is about a litre of water in the oven... correction... a litre of water mixed with a cup of atkins bake mix = paste.

so after scooping out all the dry "flour" and spraying oven cleaner in the oven and waiting, cleaning, spraying again... the oven is clean...and we finally cooked the bacon wrapped goodness... even toasted more almonds.


After these messages we'll be riiiiiiiiiiiiight back ::whistle::

stay tuned for exciting and fun stuff




I'm going on strike from writing in the blog. I know - you'll all miss me. I also know - good luck - cuz I'm such a yappy thing.

This is why I'm on strike:

I KNOW I'm breaking the rules Joey and I came up with when we started this blog. I'm sorry - I've just not been in the right frame of mind for the original use. And I know I like to ramble on and on and on and on and on....

But neither of those things is a good reason as to why Joey makes one or 2 posts a month to my bazillion. So - until we see him making an effort - I ain't carrying SHIT no more. ;)

I always enjoy his posts - mostly because it breaks the monotony of me writing mine. And he seems to get not only comments (by the way - you all suck for not leaving more comments - it doesn't have to be related to my unending rambling - it could be about anything - jerkasses) but he ALSO writes posts that get us the most hits on our site. Cuz yes - it's true - we keep track of how many people visit us. We're sick and twisted like that. I actually get a lot of enjoyment matching all the visits to who they are - and even MORE enjoyment when I get stumped, which happens more often then I'd like to admit.

See? I ramble like non-other.

So - my offical notice has been served. Take care everyone - I'll fill you in on all my excitement (mild sarcasm) when the strike is done.

Play nice.


(PS.... SOMEONE'S TEXAN IS COMING TO VISIT IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Thank GOD I'm Canadian!

Posting overload tonight - but I just can't stop! Was just having a quick read through the news before bed and I stumbled upon this article:

New World Islands Emerge from Dubai's Waters

And all I can say is - THANK GOD I live in Canada - and Saskatchewan for that matter. Where I can see for as far as the eye can see - where the simple act of reclaiming land isn't cause for land prices to skyrocket. Where every bit of land isn't seen as a dollar sign, whether it's above or below water.

There's somethings in life worth being a wee bit materialistic about - we all have our triggers. For the life of me though - I can't figure the draw in this one. Something about raising an island from the ocean floor in attempt to make one of the richest countries on earth even richer - is really unsettling.




Okay - I never actually hated the show. But holy rollercoaster!!

I'm not going to have some long and drawn out analysis about the show - because really - who gives a rats ass about what *I* think about it - ya know?

But I will say a couple things -

First of all - Uchenna and Joyce? How much did they end up rocking the Amazing Race world? Of the 3 teams going into the final - they by far were the one's that most deserved to win. The played nice through the entire thing - and for once the good guys finished last. They never cheated, they never belittled other teams, they never did anything questionable. Even at the end when they could have said to the cab driver "We may win a million bucks by walking through that gate - as soon as it's done - one way or another we're coming out with your money" or even better - invited the cabbie to go with them to prove their point. They didn't - they found a way to pay him - and it was the right thing to do - it's what was meant to happen in that show.

About Romber all I have to say is karma truely is a bitch and what goes around comes around. They played dirty and underhanded through the entire race. They used their already undeserved fame throughout the entire race. Had they won there was a bazillion people around the world that would deserve a cut of it. Thankfully that's not the case - they didn't finish first, they didn't win the race, they didn't get the million - but what they did get - was exactly what they deserved. I think that between 2 stints on Survivor and the way they played this game - they're in for a long life of payback being a bitch. Oh well.

POW and Princes - shut. The. Fuck. Up. Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch - ne're have to hear that again - WOO!

I wanted the brothers, the gay guys and Uchenna and Joyce in the finals (although Ryan and Chuck rocked - they weren't around long enough for me to be pulling for 'em!) - but I'm much more satisfied this way. With those 3 teams - it woulda been "I'm happy with whoever wins" - this way - I'm EXTREMELY SATIFIED with the way things ended!

Thanks for another GREAT season, Phil!



I HATE THIS FRIGGIN' SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My heart can't handle this.....


I LOVE THIS FRIGGIN' SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I HATE THIS FRIGGIN' SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I LOVE THIS FRIGGIN' SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Ya know what sucks?

Pretty much everything.

I'm fucking bored.

You know what rocks?

Corner Gas.

I'm gonna go watch it.



I admit it - I'm addicted. I can't get enough. If I don't get my late night fix, I *actually* feel like I'm missing out on something.

Infomercials. I love buying things off TV. Or in this modern day - online. Now - I've been obsessing about it all night because I found out today that my brother and his wife have went out on a limb and purchased the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. I'm green with envy.

I've wanted a juicer since my first foray into informercial land in junior high. I don't really *drink* juices anymore - but that doesn't mean that I won't someday. It doesn't mean I don't want the juicer anymore. Quite the opposite.

Most of my infomercial addictions ARE to kitchen products - what with my love for all things kitchen related. Don't get me wrong - I've bought hair products and of course I did ProActiv - I've done it all really. But kitchen appliances is where my heart lies.

I must clarify real quick I'm not limited to infomercials - it's just an easier general term. I also junk up on internet based advertised products and - as you'll see - trade-show products!

For years I have been ashamed of my informercial junkie ways. I've poked fun many a times at my mom who's addicted to the shopping channel. I think part of her believes that if it's anything worth having - it's on the shopping channels.

But me? Noooo.... my *mom* bought it for me.... I don't buy things from tv.... I don't believe those things....

For example - my first trip to Texas (teehee I mean PEI) Joey and I watched an informercial about the GT XPRESS 101.
He made fun of it - I made fun of it - it was awesome - we bonded over our common mockery of this little kitchen appliance.

The second time I went to Texas - we went on a shopping excursion to my fave. US based store EVER - Tar-Jay. Of course we had to take a peek through the kitchen appliances (because I'm a junkie for them in the stores too!) - and there, right before my very eyes - was the GT XPRESS 101!! And next to it? The MAGIC BULLET!! (Contrary to what sis-in-law thinks - it IS a kitchen appliance and it's NOT what it sounds like!)

I'll move on to the Magic Bullet in a minute. The GT XPRESS 101 though - for such a bargain? I couldn't resist - so even though I was there with Joey - the man I sat and mocked this very item with - at great lengths - only a couple of months earlier - I bought it. And it was the first thing I unpacked when I got home. AND I LOVE IT!

Now the Magic Bullet ... Oh little silver cylander of goodness - how I covet thee. You all know you've watched the infomercial. You can blend little "bullets" full of goodness in mere seconds! PLUS!! The Deluxe model has a blender attatchent. PLUS!! The blender attatchment has a JUICER ATTATCHMENT!! Oh. My. GOD!! How perfect is that?

Oh yes - I will have the Magic Bullet. Just like I knew I'd have a Foreman Grill (or 2 of them!), my ice cream machine, my kick ass waffle machine, my cheese grater, my Kitchen Aid stand mixer, my slow cookers, my sandwhich maker - all of them.

Plus - the Magic Bullet would save me from having to spend ungodly amounts of money on the VitaMix.

When I was in Australia - M&J bought their coveted VitaMix - for a mere $1300 AUD. EEK!! I mean - trust me - the thing is fucking cool. It's REALLY fucking cool. You can boil water in it in 8 minutes. You can make frozen desserts like ice cream n' stuff in it. You can make soup in it. But - it cost $1300!! Over here in NoAm - you can buy it for cheaper - super duper cheap if you get it refurbished. And down the road - who's to say - if the relationship with the Magic Bullet doesn't work out - I wouldn't be opposed to buying one - but not for $1300. It IS pretty friggin' cool though!

On the non-kitchen appliance front - I'm also intrigued by the infomercial for the book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. For lots of reasons:
a. books are fun
b. cure me baby cure me
c. I'm all about potential conspiracies
d. I'm a sucker

I'll admit it - I'm not really entirely sure of who exactly Kevin Trudeau is - but he knows stuff I don't know. Plus - even though he's not probably related - Prime Minister Trudeau was a crowd fave - the name carries a certain amount of pull.

Other than that - there's been a lot of junkie informercials as of late. The lil' silicon "breast enhancer" things that fit into your bra? JUNK - not that I - uh - know - uhm - personally.

I have it on good authority that the "Liquid Lense Eyeglass Scratch Treatment" is CRAP.

The "Batterpro" and that pasta pot with the lid for straining pasta - both piss me off.

So I'm not saying I'm jumping on the bandwagon of EVERY infomercial I see. But there's something strangely comforting about watching paid actors (bad actors, at that) try to sell a product they barely even know how to use.

Thanks, Science!


(I thought coming clean about my addiction would be some how freeing - but now I think I'm going to go hide under my covers!)



Fucking laptop

that's what I'm typing on now - and i just managed to hit a magical key combination to delete my entire post. Fucking peice of shit.

I used to always think I'd give my proverbial left nut to be a teenager again.

No fucking way.



As I sit above my 14 year old neice's room - and listen to her and her 2 lil' girlfriends - I sit here and have flashbacks - some good some bad - of all the "traumatic" (i can't spell - fuck off) things from high school. I sit and think about how things were such a big fucking deal back when you're that age - and when you grow up - pardon me - *age* (as most would argue me actually "growing up") you see how nothing all that bad really happened. Then you proceed to kick yourself in the ass because you were such an asshole at that age. Okay *I* was an asshole. OKAY FINE SO I STILL AM - fuck off - I can be. The point is - now I'm an asshole when it's needed - then - to some people I was an asshole all the time. And when those people said they knew what it was about and what was going on - they were fucking morons who didn't know anything. Dude - now apparently *I* am the fucking moron who knows nothing - it's all a circle - ya know what I'm saying? READ BETWEEN THE LINES - my neice is me. EEK. Okay - well - maybe she's more of the exact cross between her mother and father - but I have a lot of those traits and what I'm trying to do here - not so elloquently - is admit that the adults were right and I was wrong and say I'm sorry for being an asshole. Then. Not now. I'm not sorry for being an adult asshole. :D

Also - and I've said this before - and Ooojah - you'd better believe it - I am in for fucking HELL if I ever spawn. Seriously. If what goes around, truely does come around - and if we truely are our parents kids -

We're all fucked.... cuz I was pretty much satan

I don't think I am now so much - am I?

Ooojah? Loafy? MacMillmann? CMann? DUPE???

We're all fucked - and I apologize in advance! Get your canned food and bottled water and wait - we'll give you ample warning for when you need to take cover!


(lord help me they're either singing or trying to raise the dead..... or both)
(and I can use the word fuck as much as I like - so fuck off)


Happy 1st Post of May... or some shit

So - I've been uber tired as of late. Can't get enough sleep. Ever since I was sick in Texas - just wanna sleep. I figger it can't possibly still be the results of jet lag - but whatever it is - it sucks.

But what sucks even more is not being able to sleep when one is tired. Not being able to turn one's mind off to actually curl up and crash.

Instead - visions of money fairies dance in my head.

And ugly nasty immigration ogres too - pre-emptive seeing as I've not yet officially applied for my visa (waiting for my house shite to be finished). But the one's in my head are mean and nasty - even though all the people *I* personally know that work for customs are all quite lovely! :D

And waiting just around the corner is my good friend self doubt - like I've not seen HIM enough in the last 28 years - here I thought we'd parted ways.

Can someone, somewhere PLEASE convince me I'm doing the right things in my life? Not just tell me - but actually convince me...

Because right now the things that feel right are few and far between - and the biggest one is 29 hours away...

(if anyone lips me off about how cheesy that last line was I *will* happily kick some asses.... seriously!)
